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Minerva Anestesiologica 2023 November;89(11):986-95

DOI: 10.23736/S0375-9393.23.17433-5


language: English

Comparison of the effects of subcostal anterior quadratus lumborum block and thoracic paravertebral block in laparoscopic nephrectomy: a randomized study

Cengiz KAYA, Burhan DOST , Esra TURUNC, Hilal DOKMECI

Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Faculty of Medicine, Ondokuz Mayis University, Samsun, Türkiye

BACKGROUND: Thoracic paravertebral block (TPVB) may provide sufficient postoperative analgesia in laparoscopic nephrectomy (LSN) by ensuring ipsilateral somatic and visceral analgesia. However, there are serious reservations due to the complexity of the technique, and various complications thereof. Subcostal anterior quadratus lumborum block (S-QLB3) may be a safe alternative in LSN procedures. Therefore, this study aimed to compare the postoperative analgesic effects of TPVB and S-QLB3.
METHODS: This prospective, randomized, double-blind study included 60 patients aged 18-70 years who were planned to undergo LSN. The patients were randomly assigned to receive either unilateral ultrasound-guided S-QLB3 or TPVB. The primary outcome was postoperative cumulative 24-h morphine consumption. In addition, numeric rating scale (NRS) scores at rest/activity and the American Pain Society Patient Outcome Questionnaire (APS-POQ-R-TR) scores were also evaluated.
RESULTS: While postoperative cumulative 24-h morphine consumption was lower in the TPVB group compared to the other group (mean±SD, 12±3.4 mg vs. 15.4±7.8 mg, P=0.03), NRS pain scores at rest/activity were similar in both groups at all measurement points. Considering the postoperative APS-POQ-R-TR data, only the score related to the pain-daily activity relationship was high in the S-QLB3 group (median [Q1-Q3], 0 [0-1] vs. 2 [0-5], P=0.004), whereas there was no difference between the other scores.
CONCLUSIONS: In this study, NRS and APS-POQ-R-TR scores were similar in the S-QLB3 and TPVB groups, whereas cumulative morphine consumption was modestly lower in the TPVB group. This suggested that S-QLB3 could be an alternative to TPVB in patients undergoing LSN.

KEY WORDS: Pain, postoperative; Nerve Block; Ultrasonography; Laparoscopy; Nephrectomy

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