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Minerva Dental and Oral Science 2022 April;71(2):101-6

DOI: 10.23736/S2724-6329.21.04585-X


language: English

Clinical outcomes in adults’ subjects with aphthous stomatitis treated with an oral hyaluronic acid-based medical device

Francesco DI PIERRO 1, 2 , Rosanna GIUBERTI 3, Alexander BERTUCCIOLI 4, Cristiano SPADA 2

1 Department of Scientific, Velleja Research, Milan, Italy; 2 Digestive Endoscopy, Poliambulanza Foundation, Brescia, Italy; 3 S.I.C.T., Milan, Italy; 4 Department of Biomolecular Sciences (DISB), Carlo Bo University, Urbino, Pesaro-Urbino, Italy; 2 Digestive Endoscopy, Fondazione Poliambulanza, Brescia, Italy

BACKGROUND: Oral mucosal ulcers are quite common in an otherwise healthy population and can determine a real worsening of the quality of life. Conventional therapy is not appropriate since ulcers often recur and, even if not needed, therapy lasting not less than 2-3 weeks carries a high risk of serious side effects. The use of hyaluronic acid applied as an adhesive gel over the lesions seems to have potential in terms of efficacy and the avoidance of side effects. Of course, hyaluronic acid-based formulations show different effects and tolerability.
METHODS: In our study, we retrospectively reported the results obtained using a medical device, Bloxaphte® (Bausch & Lomb, Macherio, Monza-Brianza, Italy), applied for 14 days to counteract ulcers in adults.
RESULTS: Treatment with the HA-based oral gel determined better results both in terms of the number of oral lesions and in terms of lesion sizes. Regarding the number of lesions, the results are significant even after 6 days of treatment, while 3 days are enough to differentiate the two groups with respect to lesion sizes.
CONCLUSIONS: Our data clearly demonstrate the healing capability and safety profile of the product in reducing the number and size of the ulcers within the first week of daily application.

KEY WORDS: Mucositis; Oral ulcers; Chlorhexidine; Aloe

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