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International Angiology 2018 February;37(1):85-92

DOI: 10.23736/S0392-9590.17.03935-9


language: English

New data on chronic venous disease: a new place for Cyclo 3® Fort

Stavros K. KAKKOS 1 , Eliete BOUSKELA 2, Arkadiusz JAWIEN 3, Andrew N. NICOLAIDES 4

1 Department of Vascular Surgery, University Hospital of Patras, Patras, Greece; 2 Laboratory of Clinical and Experimental Research on Vascular Biology-BioVasc-State University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; 3 Department of Vascular Surgery and Angiology, Collegium Medicum University of Nicolai Copernicus, Bydgoszcz, Poland; 4 Department of Surgery, University of Nicosia Medical School, Nicosia, Cyprus


With our increasing knowledge of the epidemiology, pathophysiology, investigation and clinical aspects of chronic venous disease (CVD) and new data on the various therapies available, an update of the recommendations on CVD and its management appears to be necessary. The symposium New Data on Chronic Venous Disease: A New Place for Cyclo 3® Fort, held during the annual meeting of the European Venous Forum on June 30th, 2017 in Porto, Portugal, reported the recent developments on the Ruscus, hesperidin methyl chalcone (HMC), and vitamin C combination (Cyclo 3® Fort), including the results of a series of in-vivo pharmacological experiments and a recent meta-analysis. Additionally, the symposium provided first-hand information on the process, rules, main findings, and expected contents of the prospective 2018 CVD guidelines. Analysis of the evidence showed that the effect of the Ruscus, HMC, and vitamin C combination on pain, heaviness, feeling of swelling, tingling, ankle circumference and global symptoms score reached Grade A. Therefore, the new guidelines should specify that the Ruscus, HMC, and vitamin C combination merits a Grade 1A recommendation.

KEY WORDS: Macromolecular permeability - Inflammation - Meta-analysis - Guidelines - Veno-active drugs - Ruscus extract

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