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Minerva Medica 2022 February;113(1):119-27

DOI: 10.23736/S0026-4806.20.06573-8


language: English

Physical activity in elderly kidney transplant patients with multiple renal arteries

Armando CALOGERO 1, 2, Caterina SAGNELLI 3 , Gaia PELUSO 1, Antonello SICA 4, Maria CANDIDA 1, Silvia CAMPANILE 1, Gianluca MINIERI 1, Paola INCOLLINGO 1, Massimiliano CRETA 2, Luigi PELOSIO 1, Vincenzo TAMMARO 1, Alessandro SCOTTI 1, Akbar JAMSHIDI 1, Marcello CAGGIANO 1, Evangelista SAGNELLI 4, Concetta A. DODARO 1, 2, Nicola CARLOMAGNO 1, Michele SANTANGELO 1, 2

1 Unit of General Surgery and Transplant, Department of Advanced Biomedical Sciences, Federico II University, Naples, Italy; 2 Department of Nephrology, Urology, General Surgery and Kidney Transplants, Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Federico II University, Naples, Italy; 3 Department of Mental Health and Public Medicine, Luigi Vanvitelli University of Campania, Naples, Italy; 4 Department of Precision Medicine, Luigi Vanvitelli University of Campania, Naples, Italy

BACKGROUND: Kidney transplantation (KT) is the gold standard for treatment of patients with end-stage-renal disease. To expand the donor reserve, it is necessary to use marginal/suboptimal kidneys.
METHODS: We retrospectively evaluated the short/long-term outcome of 34 KT elderly patients who received allografts with vascular abnormalities (MRA group), in comparison with 34 KT patients who received a kidney with a single renal artery (SRA group) pair-matched by age, length of time on dialysis, comorbidity and donor age.
RESULTS: All participants completed the International Physical Activity Questionnaire at KT, and then 4, 8, and 12 weeks after transplantation. Our data indicate that kidney with vascular anatomical variants may be successfully transplanted, since the overall rate of surgical complications was 20.6% in the SRA group and 17.6% in the MRA group and that the 5-year survival rate after KT was 100% in both groups.
CONCLUSIONS: The data also underlined that individualized physical activity programs induced similar excellent results in both groups, improving physical capacities, arterial pressure, lipid metabolism, insulin sensitivity, quality of life and physical and mental status.

KEY WORDS: Kidney transplantation; Elder nutritional physiological phenomena; Vascular malformations; Kidney; Exercise

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