ISIJ International
Online ISSN : 1347-5460
Print ISSN : 0915-1559
ISSN-L : 0915-1559
Regular Article
Reducing Ability of CO and H2 of Gases Formed in the Lower Part of the Blast Furnace by Gas and Oil Injection
Sabine SlabyDietmar AndahazyFranz WinterChristoph FeilmayrThomas Bürgler
Author information

2006 Volume 46 Issue 7 Pages 1006-1013


Gases formed in the raceway by injection of reducing agents into the tuyere affect the blast furnace process in several ways. Energy set free by conversion in the raceway helps the melting of the burden and has beneficial effects on reaction kinetics. The formation of CO and H2 helps to save blast furnace coke. The aim of this work is to study effects of the gases formed after the injection of coke oven gas (COG) and heavy oil into the tuyere of a blast furnace and after conversion in the raceway when entering the active coke zone. For this reason a gas conversion simulation is developed including description of the zones of the lower blast furnace part. The cases studied have the same melting rate at which the injection of COG is accomplished with one and two lances while those of oil is studied with one lance. The simulation predicts that the available amount of species for the reduction of iron ore and the reduction potential is similar for the studied reducing agents COG and heavy oil. Evaluating the potential to save coke a theoretical exchange ratio of 0.84 can be determined for comparable cases in terms of the same reduction progress so that the same consumption of coke has to be expected if no difference between the agents exists.

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© 2006 by The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan
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