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Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo 2002 Volume 130, Issue 3-4, Pages: 95-99
Full text ( 103 KB)

Brucellosis - diagnostic dilemma: Case report

Bojić Biljana (Institut za infektivne i tropske bolesti Kliničkog centra Srbije, Beograd)
Vujošević Milica (Institut za infektivne i tropske bolesti Kliničkog centra Srbije, Beograd)
Nikolić Svetlana (Institut za infektivne i tropske bolesti Kliničkog centra Srbije, Beograd)
Dulović Olga (Institut za infektivne i tropske bolesti Kliničkog centra Srbije, Beograd)
Grebenarević Jelica (Institut za infektivne i tropske bolesti Kliničkog centra Srbije, Beograd)
Milinković Zoran (Institut za ortopediju i traumatologiju 'Banjica', Beograd)
Gvozdenović Jasna J. (Institut za infektivne i tropske bolesti Kliničkog centra Srbije, Beograd)

The authors present a case of a 20-year old student from Belgrade, who was admitted to the Institute of Infectious Diseases with fever, muscle and spine pains, strong headacke and malice. During the clinical examination bilateral sacroileitis was found. Serological analyses confirmed brucellosis. Epidemiological data showed that she lived in Kosovo and Metohia in 1997, where she consumed diary products from domestic animals this might be the reason of the acquired infection. With appropriate antibiotic therapy (aminoglycoside, doxicyclin, rifampicin), symptomatic therapy and rehabilitation the disease had favorable outcome; there was no recidive. The authors point out the importance of specific microbiological examinations of patients with fever of unknown origin, especially if the patient has the symptoms that are compatible with brucellosis. In our case it was sacroileitis, as a characteristic complication. As brucellosis is endemic in some parts of our country, there is always a possibility of brucellosis in general medical practice.

Keywords: Brucelosis, sacroileitis

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