Acta chirurgica Iugoslavica 2004 Volume 51, Issue 4, Pages: 25-30
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Indikacije za hirurško lečenje bola i vrste operacija

Ivanović S. (Institut za neurohirurgiju KCS, Beograd)
Slavik Eugen (Institut za neurohirurgiju KCS, Beograd)
Antić Branislav (Klinika za neurohirurgiju VMA, Beograd)
Spaić M. (Klinika za neurohirurgiju VMA, Beograd)
Rasulić L. (Institut za neurohirurgiju KCS, Beograd)

During the period from 1978 to 2003 in Institute for neurosurgery CCS and Neurosurgical hospital of MA in Belgrade, 3057 patients with pain syndromes in different localizations were operated. Before operation all conservative methods were exhausted. We made 248 microvacular decompressions in fossa cranii posterior, 1600 radiophrequent lessions of ggl.Gasseri and 64 avulsions of distal trigeminal branches in patients with trigeminal and glossopharingeal neuralgia, 128 chordotomies in patients with neurogenic and cancer pain, 62 DREZ operations in patients with paraplegia, cancer pain and postherpetic intercostal neuralgia. More than 900 patients have been operated because of neuropathic pain and trauma of peripheral nerves, and 48 patients were operated due to Phantomžs pain. We compared results of two alternative methods in treatment of trigeminal neuralgia (radiophrequent lesion of ggl. Gasseri and microvascular decompression in posterior fossa).

Keywords: pain, surgical treatment, type of surgery

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