Spatium 2020 Issue 43, Pages: 59-65
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Mark Bain’s work as a technological synthesis of architecture, music and the (in)animate nature

Kalabа Svetlana (Music School “Dr Vojislav Vučković”, Belgrade, Serbia)

The subject of research in this paper is Mark Bain’s work, perceived as a synthesis of architecture, music, technology and the (in)animate nature. Its basic thesis is that Bain sees his works of art as a set of agents that have the function of mediating social relationships within the surrounding world, and that sound vibration is treated as a means by which architectural constructions become animate beings, enabling the coherence of art and the animate - the living world. The study analyzes the theoretical and interdisciplinary research of Bain’s work, viewed through the prism of anthropological theory and both philosophical and theoretical perspectives of art. It investigates an innovative concept which introduces novelties into architecture and music, applying a specific interdisciplinary approach. The contribution of the study is that it determines the special aesthetics of Bain’s work, which constitutes a new vision of the world and knowledge of the future. The unity of knowledge belonging to different realms is presented through the creation of an innovative research concept and a specific worldview, characterized by a problem-solving approach to the relationship between the animate and inanimate nature.

Keywords: Mark Bain, architecture, infrasonic sound, oscillators, sound vibration