Document Type : CASE STUDY


Department of Natural Resource and Environment, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University (IAU), Tehran, Iran


Traffic is one of the main sources of air pollution in metropolitan areas. With development of transportation system, inappropriate vehicle production, and the use of low-quality fuels, increased pollution in these areas is inevitable. The current study tries to determine PM2.5, PM10, NO2, and CO emission dispersion, caused by traffic, using CALINE4 software. According to research findings, during one month in each of 3 different seasons, CO levels varied between 30-55ppm. Also, NO2 levels, at all stations in Tehran, varied between 0.1- 0.4ppm; values above 0.05 represent pollution by diesel-fueled vehicles, mostly old and outdated public transportation buses. Modeling of suspended particles smaller than 2.5 microns indicated that pollution at all of the 10 stations was between 65-113μg/m3, which was above standard (35μg/m3). In addition, during all the studied months, the amount PM10 varied between 105-193μg/m3, and in some areas, it was above the Standard of the Iranian Department of the Environment (DOE) of 150μg/m3. According to matrix of internal and external factors analysis, strategies to be considered are of Weakness/Opportunity type (benefiting from opportunities and overcoming existing weaknesses). By forming a Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix (QSPM), W/O strategies of SWOT matrix were prioritized. As a result, increased budget for environmental control in the area (39.5), cooperation and coordination between the private and public sectors (69.4), equipping the public transportation with low-energy and green vehicles (48.4), widespread public awareness campaign (98.3), and transferring the polluting industries to suburban areas (78.3) were selected as top strategies for managing traffic-borne air pollutant in District 12 of Tehran.


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