Is an appropriate charge compatible veterinary service in the horse breeding industry practicable

Is an appropriate charge compatible veterinary service in the horse breeding industry practicable

Ist eine sachgerechte tierärztliche Pferdezuchtbetreuung konform zur Gebührenordnung (GOT) durchführbar?

Klug E, Sieme H

DOI: 10.21836/PEM20080123
Year: 2008
Volume: 24
Issue: 1
Pages: 109-111

The veteterinary medical care of the horse breeding praxis is well established and is preceeded by different hygienic programs and animals health services offered in the past by some horse breeding organizations. The development and application of modern scientific knowledge about basis and mechanisms of the equine reproductive biology and the availability of efficacious drugs together with use of new biotechnics (AI,ET) provided further progress. The charges for actual veterinary medical care programs – principially subjected to the schedule of fees for veterinarians in Germany (GOT) – now are factual exposed to the conditions of a free market. Model calculations of ambulant equine AI as examples of GOT-compatible charging are presented.