Collection of breath condensate in horses

Collection of breath condensate in horses

Atemkondensatgewinnung beim Pferd

Schack S, Fey K, Sasse H H L

DOI: 10.21836/PEM20020617
Year: 2002
Volume: 18
Issue: 6
Pages: 612-616

The collection of breath condensate by cooling spontaneously expired air is in human medicine a non-invasive and repeatable method to gain diagnostic material from the lower airways and lungs. The collection of breath condensate was performed successfully in 68 of 70 horses by using a teflon tube which passes a cool trap. The teflon tube was connected to an intratracheally placed tube. In 4 horses it was not possible to collect condensate. In 7 horses sedation was required to place the tracheal tube. The mean volume of breath condensate was 0,83 ± 0,45 ml in 10 minutes. In 30 horses the volume, which passed the teflon tube was 41,7 ± 2,0 l in 10 minutes. The breath condensate volume was influenced mainly by the respiratory flow and the expiratory volume passing the tube.