Serum Thymidin Kinase 1 activity as a prognostic factor in breast cancer patients treated with adjuvant chemotherapy

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Clinical Pathology , Faculty of Medicine, Al Azhar University, Assiut, Egypt


Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the changing of TK1 (where TK is thymidine 
kinase) activity before and after adjuvant chemotherapy as prognostic factor in patients with breast 
cancer. Patients and methods: 40 patients with breast cancer lesion were included in the study and 
40 healthy volanteers . The patient's age ranged from 28 to 76 years old with the mean age ± 38.24 
year. The all patients were referred from the Oncology department to Clinical pathology department 
AT Al-Azhar Assiut University Hospital during the period from November 2017 to October 2018.
Results: In the current study in the breast cancer group, the highest TK activity was observed than in 
control group & in the breast cancer group, the highest TK activity was observed pretherapy than 
post therapy group. Conclusion: Based on the results of this study we can conclude the following:
This study demonstrates that TK1 is a promising serum marker in breast cancer. High serum TK1 
activity, which is associated with aggressive features of primary breast cancer, was found to be 
associated with a cancer recurrence.


Main Subjects