Criteria for selecting tennis coaches in Upper Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


1 Aswan University

2 Professor of Sports Administration, Faculty of Physical Education, Aswan University

3 Professor of racquet games , Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, Zagazig University

4 Assistant Professor of Training, Faculty of Physical Education, Aswan University


This research aims to identify the criteria for selecting tennis coaches in Upper Egypt. The researcher believes that the profession of sports training does not have a specific cadre within the functions of the state in the Arab Republic of Egypt, and there are no limits or job competencies through which one can choose who is appointed or assigned to the job of a sports trainer, and this is a real problem for trainers in our society, especially in Upper Egypt The researcher used the descriptive survey method for its suitability and the nature of the study.The research community represents the heads of the boards of directors of clubs or some of their representatives in selecting tennis coaches in Upper Egypt. The research sample was chosen in a stratified random way from among the chairmen of the boards of directors of the clubs or some of their representatives in the selection of tennis coaches in Upper Egypt. Results The tennis coaches are selected according to the following axes in order (competencies for physical, skillful and tactical preparation - competencies for preparation and planning for the training program - personal and subjective competencies - social educational competencies)


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