Linking socioeconomic inequalities and type 2 diabetes through obesity and lifestyle factors among Mexican adults: a structural equations modeling approach


  • Edgar Denova-Gutiérrez Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública
  • Delfino Vargas-Chanes National Autonomous University of Mexico
  • Sheyla Hernández National Autonomous University of Mexico
  • Paloma Muñoz-Aguirre National Institute of Public Health
  • David Napier University College London
  • Simón Barquera Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública


Palabras clave:

type 2 diabetes, socioeconomic inequalities, survey, Mexico


Objective. To assess the association between type 2 dia­betes (DM2) and socioeconomic inequalities, mediated by the contribution of body mass index (BMI), physical activity (PA), and diet (diet-DII). Materials and methods. We conducted a cross-sectional analysis using data of adults participating in the Diabetes Mellitus Survey of Mexico City. Socioeconomic and demographic characteristics as well as height and weight, dietary intake, leisure time activity and the presence of DM2 were measured. We fitted a structural equation model (SEM) with DM2 as the main outcome, and BMI, diet-DII and PA served as mediator variables between socioeconomic inequalities index (SII) and DM2. Results. The prevalence of DM2 was 13.6%. From the fitted SEM, each standard deviation increases in the SII was associated with increased scores of DM2 (β=0.174, P<0.001). Conclusion. The results in the present study show how high scores in the index of SII may influence the presence of DM2.


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Cómo citar

Denova-Gutiérrez E, Vargas-Chanes D, Hernández S, Muñoz-Aguirre P, Napier D, Barquera S. Linking socioeconomic inequalities and type 2 diabetes through obesity and lifestyle factors among Mexican adults: a structural equations modeling approach. Salud Publica Mex [Internet]. 28 de febrero de 2020 [citado 1 de junio de 2024];62(2, Mar-Abr):192-20. Disponible en:



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