
Rational Pharmacotherapy in Cardiology

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Elderly Patient Management Problems: Antithrombotic Therapy Selection Features. Clinical Case


The growing population of elderly people is the main «antithrombotic drugs consumer» because there is higher prevalence of thromboembolic diseases (acute coronary syndrome, venous thromboembolism, atrial fibrillation) among them than among younger people. Elderly people have high risks of both thromboembolic and bleeding complications associated with antithrombotic drugs using. Antithrombotic drug choice is based on individual careful estimation of the «risk/benefit» ratio. Sometimes real clinical practice gives us problems and questions, having no answers in any guidelines. Such a difficult clinical case of elderly patient management is presented in this article.

About the Authors

D. U. Akasheva
National Medical Research Center for Preventive Medicine
Russian Federation

Dariga U. Akasheva – MD, PhD, Leading Researcher, Department of Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Obesity

Petroverigsky per. 10, Moscow, 101990

E. S. Bulgakova
National Medical Research Center for Preventive Medicine
Russian Federation

Elena S. Bulgakova – MD, Junior Researcher, Department of Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Obesity 

Petroverigsky per. 10, Moscow, 101990

I. S. Yavelov
National Medical Research Center for Preventive Medicine
Russian Federation

Igor S. Yavelov – MD, PhD, Leading Researcher, Department of Clinical Cardiology and Molecular Genetics 

Petroverigsky per. 10, Moscow, 101990

A. Yu. Gorshkov
National Medical Research Center for Preventive Medicine
Russian Federation

Alexander Yu. Gorshkov – MD, PhD, Head of the 3rd Cardiology Department

Petroverigsky per. 10, Moscow, 101990

O. M. Drapkina
National Medical Research Center for Preventive Medicine
Russian Federation

Oxana M. Drapkina – MD, PhD, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director 

Petroverigsky per. 10, Moscow, 101990


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For citations:

Akasheva D.U., Bulgakova E.S., Yavelov I.S., Gorshkov A.Yu., Drapkina O.M. Elderly Patient Management Problems: Antithrombotic Therapy Selection Features. Clinical Case. Rational Pharmacotherapy in Cardiology. 2018;14(4):515-523. (In Russ.)

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