ANALYSIS OF M-P-F-A-A-C (Meaning – Positioning – Functioning – Authorizing – Actuating - Controlling) ON THE VILLAGE GOVERNMENT INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENT (Law Making Philosophically of Law Number 6 of 2014 On Villages)

Sri Wahyu Kridasakti, Sudarsono Sudarsono, Chanif Nurcholis


The issue of the article is "What are the implications of village institutional governance for village governance institutional governance?". The legis ratio of Law Number 6 of 2014 states in Article 18 B paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, while the subject matters prescribed includes two main material types of different villages. This study uses a normative legal research method with a prescriptive conceptual approach and statute approach. The theoretical basis used is the rule of law, the theory of legislation, the concept of local government,;the concept of authority, and the concept of M-P-F-A-A-C. The results showed that the village government regulated by Law Number 6 of 2014 is not an autonomous village but an independent village, not a customary law community unit and not a formal government. While the implications for governance in the Meaning aspect, happened to shift in the meaning of village government institutions from time to time; in the Positioning, the institutional status of village government as state-corporatism is a deviation in the administrative logic of local government; in the Functioning, the imposition of technocratic local government institutional function work is unrealistic to the institutional function of a self-governing community; in the Authorizing, authority over the principle of Recognition and Subsidiarity that is apparent from the government is outside the principle of decentralization; in the Actuating, the work apparatus of the village is not solid yet, showing poor regulation which also technocratic in Government Regulation Number 43 of 2014 Jo. Government Regulation Number 47 of 2015; in the Controlling, construction of checks & balances carried out by Village Council (BPD) are still ineffective due to weak apparatus competence and low community participation in the policy making process. In conclusion, Law Number 6 of 2014 has a 'contra-productive' implication for village governance institutional governance, therefore Law Number 6 of 2014 needs to be reformulated


local government; M-P-F-A-A-C; contra-productive

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