Shinta Nofita Sari


This research was conducted at the State Islamic Library of Sunan Kalijaga (UIN
SUKA) Yogyakarta, the purpose of this study was to find out how the democratic
behavior of virtual communities. The research method used is descriptive research
with a qualitative approach. The informants in this study were library representatives
from all library users of UIN SUKA. The results of this study indicate that 1) the
behavior of users of internet use is reviewed from the uses and gratification theory,
namely to meet cognitive, affective, personal and social needs not always fulfilled
with the use of internet networks, 2) library UIN SUKA knows the internet for the first
time at the time of junior high school (SMP) as many as 4 people and 1 person knew
the internet for the first time during grade 6 elementary school (SD), 3) the interests
of the library library UIN SUKA using the internet at this time as a whole to meet the
information needs of users, intensity of internet usage by UIN SUKA Library users,
that is, the entire library mentions the use of the internet in accessing and searching
for something> 3 hours / day, then in 1 month the user uses the internet> 90 hours,
therefore the user exceeds 40 hours in 1 month then called as Heavy Users.


virtual society; democratic behavior

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