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Purpose of the Study: The purpose of this study review was to fill the literature gap into the customer quality control on restaurant food and beverage service, with the objective of identifying customer quality control methodologies within the hospitality’s food and beverage operations.

Methodology: For purposes of carrying out the study review, the concept of customer employees encounter in the process of not only creating and offering goods and services but also the quality control aspect, and the various methodologies in doing so were considered and reviewed. The study employed a meta-analysis in gathering, analyzing, presentation and discussion of the study results.

Main Findings: The study review findings reveal that hospitality organizations are facing a drift from the conventional restaurant standard operating procedures in reference to foodservice quality control with the customer taking a central position in the production and presentation of food services.

Limitations: This is a study review and therefore the study findings were arrived at in consideration of mainly secondary sources. Some studies are traditionally region and/ or country-specific and therefore much caution is needed when generalizing the study findings.

Social implications: There is a myriad of ways through which restaurant food service quality control can be integrated into the customer employee service encounter. They reviewed three main methodologies in this study review may provide the best tools not only for quality control function but also build confidence among the customer base, thus yielding customer satisfaction and retention on the one hand, while creating business sustainability on the other hand.

Originality: This study will, therefore, help the hospitality restaurant business to appreciate the role of customers in the process of quality services provision, thus enable organizations to achieve a strategic business competitive position.


Tipping On-the-spot Customer Complaints Customer-employee Encounter Quality Control Customer Satisfaction Surveys Food Service Service Failure

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How to Cite
S, O., W., M, N., M., & V, N., M. (2019). A CUSTOMER-EMPLOYEE ENCOUNTER: A REVIEW OF CUSTOMER QUALITY CONTROL ON RESTAURANT FOOD SERVICE. International Journal of Management, Innovation & Entrepreneurial Research, 5(2), 01–10.


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