An Audit of Knowledge and Attitude Regarding Implementation of the National Health Insurance (JKN) in BPK RI

Hari Suhud


This study aims to evaluate the knowledge and attitude of Human Resource Bureau employees regarding implementation of National Health Insurance (JKN) in The Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia (known as BPK RI). The study is carried out by quantitative method through the distribution of questionnaires. Based on the data obtained from the results of research on 155 respondents in terms of knowledge and attitude, it can be concluded as follows: 1. the level of knowledge of employees at Human Resources Bureau in BPK RI mostly have low knowledge about the National Health Insurance (JKN) (58.1%). The results are exposed to employees who have never used Social Health Insurance/BPJS Health card with a large enough score (36.1%), and the rest are employees who have used the card; 2. the attitude of employees at Human Resources Bureau in BPK RI has a favorable attitude towards the positive statement (84.5%), as for the attitude of employees to negative statements obtained the opposite result, that most respondents have unfavorable attitude (76.1%). The results were distributed to respondents who had never used Social Health/ BPJS Health card with similar percentages.


Knowledge; Audit; National Health Insurance (JKN); the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia

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