Headmaster Leadership’s Enterpreneurship and Organizational Culture towards Innovative Performance of Teacher in Bima City Public Junior High Schools

Wiwik Suhartini, Asrin Asrin, Hamidsyukrie ZM


This research was intended to know the effect of headmaster leadership’s enterpreneurship towards innovative performance of teachers at Bima City Public Junior High Schools, to know the impact of organizational culture towards innovative performance of teachers in Bima City Public Junior High Schools, and to know the effect of headmaster leadership’s enterpreneurship and organizational culture held together toward innovative performance of teachers in Bima City Public Junior High Schools. This research was a quantitative research with ex-post facto method. The technique of data analysis used in this research was regression analysis, both simple regression and multiple regression. The population of this research was certified teachers at Bima City Public Junior High Schools, with 247 teachers. The sample of this research was 71 certifiied teachers in Bima City Public Junior High Schools which were taken with Random sampling technique. The result of this research showed that: 1) There was a significant and positive effect of headmaster leadership’s enterpreneurship toward innovative performance of teachers in Bima City Public Junior High Schools about 78,1%, 2) There was a significant and positive effect of organizational culture toward innovative performance of teachers in Bima City Public Junior High Schools about 53,7% and 3) There were a significant and positive effect of headmaster leadership’s enterpreneurship and organizational culture held together toward innovative performance of teachers in Bima City Public Junior High Schools about 89,2%.


Leadership’s Enterpreneurship; Organizational Culture; Performance of Teachers

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v6i4.978


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