Could TikTok be a promising platform for anti-tobacco communication? – Experiences from Hungary
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Data-driven Health Division of the National Health Security Laboratory, Health Services Management Training Centre, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary
Publication date: 2023-10-08
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András Kulja   

Data-driven Health Division of the National Health Security Laboratory, Health Services Management Training Centre, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary
Tob. Prev. Cessation 2023;9(Supplement 2):A47
TikTok is one of the most popular video-based social media platform with significant potential for professional health communicators to share health-related contents, including anti-tobacco messages. To date, little is known about the visibility and audience engagement of anti-tobacco contents on TikTok, especially in Central Europe.

The aim of this study is to explore the reach and engagement of anti-tobacco video posts on a popular TikTok health communicator page authored by a Hungarian, macro-influencer physician.

The TikTok page @andras.doktor posted five anti-tobacco videos (about Elf Bar, heated tobacco products, snus, hookah, and an Elf Bar announcement video) in May–June, 2022 (baseline). TikTok’s built-in account analytics was used to evaluate views, mean video length, retention rates at 10-, and 30 seconds, engagement (likes, comments, shares), like rate, and engagement rate of videos from baseline to the end of June, 2023 (follow-up).

At baseline, the platform had 150,000 followers, which increased up to 300,000 followers at follow-up. Out of the five tobacco-related posts, 3 were sponsored (paid by the Hungarian Focal Point for Tobacco Control) and 2 were non-sponsored. The overall views of the 5 videos were 4,122 million. The most popular video was the effects of Elf Bar with 1,4 million views. In overall, the mean video length was 79.4 seconds (range 26–132 seconds), the mean view was 824,400 (range 314,000–1.4 million), and the average like rate was 8.3% (range 6.1%–9.0%). Non-announcement videos showed 42–44% retention rate at 10 seconds, while 30–34% at 30 seconds. The engagement rate of the 5 videos was 8.45% (range 6.2–10.3%).

TikTok could be a promising platform for posting anti-tobacco contents by authentic health communicators. In-depth analysis of video metrics is necessary to achieve success in influencing a broad audience.

The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
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