
With the prevention of global warming emerging as a global issue, South Korea has accelerated its efforts to introduce a intermodal transportation system to grow out of the old logistics system dependent on road transportation and promote environment friendliness and energy efficiency. The government has devised intermodal transportation policies such as “Basic Plan for Sustainable Traffic and Logistics” and “Second Revised Basic Plan for National Logistics,” granted subsidies to shippers and logistics companies that made a conversion of transportation means through the policies, and provided supports by expanding the complex uniform railroad transportation and overhauling the deteriorated railroad facilities. As for 2010, however, the freight transportation percentage of railroads was 5.2% in tons and 14.8% in ton kilometers, which indicates the country remains in a stagnant state. As for Japan, it has made efforts to expand intermodal freight transport through a variety of legal and institutional supports since the adoption of Kyoto Protocol in 1997, intending to establish an environment-friendly and sustainable transportation system. The Japanese railway service also focuses on passenger transportation and thus has a difficult time implementing a policy to improve the environment of freight transportation, still making active efforts to improve and maintain railroad facilities in response to intermodal freight transport. This study set out to examine the case of Japan, which has proactively responded to the expansion of intermodal freight transport through railways to establish a logistics system according to social and economic environment changes, and explore the directionality of setting up a intermodal freight transport in South Korea.


Intermodal Freight Transport, E&S System, ORS, Auto RTG, AGV, Transhipment


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