Language Learning With Neurolinguistic Programming: An Integrative Review


  • Edhy Rustan IAIN Palopo



language learning, learning method, neurolinguistic programming, VAK, integrative review


The neurolinguistic programming (NLP) approach is being widely applied in learning. However, there are no review articles related to the application of NLP in language learning. This review aims to present a synthesis of literature on the effectiveness of NLP application in language learning in terms of methods, learning aspects, changes in language skills, and student learning psychology. An integrative review was conducted using five databases, namely, EBSCO, Wiley, ProQuest, ScienceDirect, and JSTOR. Keywords were used to search for and collect data in English related to language learning using the NLP approach published from 2011 to 2021. Based on the 15 articles reviewed, the visual, auditory, and kinesthetic (VAK) learning method is most often applied in language learning. Most teachers use NLP in language learning in speaking and writing skills. Applying the NLP method in language learning can improve students’ language skills and change students’ psychological learning in a positive direction


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