Agric. Econ. - Czech, 2015, 61(2):63-71 | DOI: 10.17221/108/2014-AGRICECON

Evaluation of the state of the Business Intelligence among small Czech farmsOriginal Paper

1 Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Economic and Management, Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic
2 Department of Software Engineering, Faculty of Economic and Management, Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic

Business Intelligence (BI) can assist in agricultural enterprises to strengthen their production potential and technical efficiency due to its effective support to the managerial, analytical, planning, and decision-making activities of managers and specialists. However, the state of the BI in the Czech Republic is not still completely understood. In this context, this paper aims at the evaluation of the current state of the art of the BI among small Czech farms. The focus of the research was put on the evaluation of both the state of the BI, and the relevant business information systems and software for agriculture. There was a survey among 135 agricultural entrepreneurs from various regions in the Czech Republic. The survey results are presented by the descriptive statistics and frequency tables. There is an examination of the relationship between the agricultural enterprise structure and the use of the BI. Dependencies among the examined characteristics were sought by the means of the analysis of qualitative variables. With 95% probability, it could be claimed that the type of production, the size of farmed land, the number of employees and the level of financial subsidies have no significant impact on using the BI, the expert and analytical systems in agricultural enterprises. .

Keywords: agriculture, information systems, multidimensional database, OLAP, precision agriculture

Published: February 28, 2015  Show citation

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TYRYCHTR J, ULMAN M, VOSTROVSKÝ V. Evaluation of the state of the Business Intelligence among small Czech farms. Agric. Econ. - Czech. 2015;61(2):63-71. doi: 10.17221/108/2014-AGRICECON.
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