Scientific journal
Bulletin of Higher Educational Institutions
North Caucasus region





D.V. Reva, I.S. Shraifel, I.M. Maltsev, V.T. Prohorov, T.M. Osina, G.Yu. Volkova

Reva Daria Valerievna – post-graduate student, department «Standardization, Certification and Commodity Research», Institute of the Service Sector and Entrepreneurship (branch) DSTU, Shakhty, Russia.

Shraifel Igor Semenovich – Candidate of Technical Sciences, assistant professor, department «Mathematics and Applied Computer Science», Institute of the Service Sector and Entrepreneurship (branch) DSTU, Shakhty, Russia. E-mail:

Maltsev Igor Mikhailovich – Candidate of Technical Sciences, assistant professor, head of department «Mathematics and Applied Computer Science», Institute of the Service Sector and Entrepreneurship (branch) DSTU, Shakhty, Russia. E-mail:

Prohorov Vladimir Timofeevich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, head of department «Standardization, Certification and Commodity Research», Institute of the Service Sector and Entrepreneurship (branch) DSTU, Shakhty, Russia. E-mail:

Osina Tatiana Matveevna – Candidate of Technical Sciences, assistant professor, department «Technology Products of Light Industry», Institute of the Service Sector and Entrepreneurship (branch) DSTU, Shakhty, Russia.

Volkova Galina Yur’evna – Doctor of Economic Sciences,  CEO «ORTHOMODA», Moscow, Russia.



The article presents the results of testing of the software developed by the authors to assess the competence of experts in customs for examination of products of light industry. The reliability of the results of the assessment of the competence of the experts participating in the work of customs officers as experts, was carried out on the basis of the calculation of concordancia (W), the value of which changes from 0 to 1. Of course that if W=0, then the expert in this area of expertise products not confirmed their competence and to involve him in the future as an expert impractical. And for the experts who have W≤1 - this proves its competence in this group of products and the competence of its participation in the customs as an expert.


Keywords: expertise; customs; customs Union; Eurasian economic Union; the expert; the coefficient of concordancia; the customs code; the unified commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity commodity classification system and coding of goods.


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7. Varen'eva Yu.V., Duyun L.V., Kompanchenko E.V., Osina T.M., Prohorov V.T. O sposobah ocenki kompetentnosti `ekspertov-auditorov po ih obosnovannomu privlecheniyu k uchastiyu v rabote tamozhni v ramkah Tamozhennogo soyuza ( soobschenie 1 ) [ On sposobah ocenki competence `experts-auditorov after s obosnovannomu privlecheniyu to uchastiyu in rabote tamozhni in ramkah Tamozhennogo soyuza ( soobschenie 1 ) ]. Tehnicheskoe regulirovanie: bazovaya osnova kachestva materialov, tovarov i uslug : mezhdunar. sb. nauch. trudov [ Tehnicheskoe regulirovanie: bazovaya base kachestva materials, tovarov i favors : mezhdunar. sb. nauch. trudov ]. Shahty, ISOiP ( filial ) DGTU Publ, 2014, pp.58-63.

8. Varen'eva Yu.V., Duyun L.V., Kompanchenko E.V., Osina T.M., Prohorov V.T. O sposobah ocenki kompetentnosti `ekspertov-auditorov po ih obosnovannomu privlecheniyu k uchastiyu v rabote tamozhni v ramkah Tamozhennogo soyuza ( soobschenie 2 ) [ On sposobah ocenki competence `experts-auditorov after s obosnovannomu privlecheniyu to uchastiyu in rabote tamozhni in ramkah Tamozhennogo soyuza ( soobschenie 2 ) ]. Tehnicheskoe regulirovanie: bazovaya osnova kachestva materialov, tovarov i uslug : mezhdunar. sb. nauch. trudov [ Tehnicheskoe regulirovanie: bazovaya base kachestva materials, tovarov i favors : mezhdunar. sb. nauch. trudov ]. Shahty, ISOiP ( filial ) DGTU Publ, 2014, pp.63-67.