Scientific journal
Bulletin of Higher Educational Institutions
North Caucasus region




Thermodynamic Limits of GaInBiAsSb Solid Solutions Melting on InSb Substrates

D.L. Alfimova, M.L. Lunina, B.M. Seredin, V.P. Popov

Alfimova Dina Leonidovna – Candidate of Technical Sciences, assistant professor, Senior Researcher, Southern Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences. Ph. (863)2-509-810

Lunina Marina Leonidovna – Candidate of Technical Sciences, assistant professor, Senior Researcher, Southern Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences. Ph. (863)2-509-810

Seredin Boris Michailovich – Candidate of Technical Sciences, assistant professor, department «Physics», Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI). Ph. (863)52-55-443. E-mail:

Popov Victor Pavlovich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, department «Physics», Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI). Ph. (863)52-55-443. E-mail: 



The thermodynamic analysis of the limit GaInBiAsSb solid solutions melting on InSb substrates was carried out. The binodal and spinodal of GaInBiAsSb solid solutions in the limitation area were calculated. Based on this analysis the GaInBiAsSb/InSb heterostructures were obtained by the temperature-gradient zone recrystallizatton method. Dates of secondary mass-spectrometry investigations of the epitaxial layers shown that 10 μm relatively thick layers have practically uniform elements distribution, except the 1 μm transition region. Oxide and carbide compounds were not detected into the epitaxial layer of the heterostructure.


Keywords: thermodynamic analysis; solid solutions; A3B5 compounds.


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