
The purpose of this study was to explore the historical development of 56 words beginning with ‘ㄱ(k), ㄴ(n), ㄷ(t), ㅁ(m),’ which are registered in Chungcheongbuk-do dialect, focusing on the investigation of morphological and phonological changes of the 56 words selected. On the developmental stages, the 56 words clearly went through various phonological changes as follows: word-initial tensification of ‘ㄱ(k)(6)’, ‘ㄷ(t)(2)’, word-final aspiration of ‘ㄷ(t)(1), ㅈ(č)(1)’, palatalization of ‘ㅅ(s)(1), ㅈ(ts)(6), ㅊ(tsh)(1)’ & ‘ㅌ(th)(1)’, an addition of word-final ‘ㄹ(l)(1)’ & ‘ㅎ(h)(1)’, a deletion of intervocalic ‘ㅎ(h)(1)’ & word-final ‘ㅎ(h)(3)’, a deletion of ‘ㅂ(p)’ in front of ‘ㅺ(k’)(1), ‘ㅈ(ts)(1) & ‘ㄷ(t)(7)’, umlaut of ‘ㅏ(a)(3)’, monophthongization(⓵ay>ɛ(8), ⓶əy>e(1), ⓷oy>ö(1), ⓸uy>ü(1), ⓹ɨy>i(3)), vowel rounding (ɨ>u)(5), vowel raising(o>u)(2), a first step change of ‘ᄋᆞ(ʌ)(⓵ʌ>ɨ)(7), ⓶ʌ>o(1)), a second step change of ‘ᄋᆞ(ʌ)(ʌ>a)(14), an addition of glide ‘ㅣ(y)(o>oy)(1)’, a deletion of glide ‘ㅣ(y)’(①redundant feature ‘y’ in front of palatal consonants ‘ㅅ(1), ㅈ(1)’, ⓶off-gliding ‘y’(1)), and so on. In addition to these findings, this study in depth discussed some other interesting findings in relevance to the historical development of the 56 words.


historical development of the words, palatalization, aspiration, tensification, addition, deletion, metathesis, monophthongization


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