
The purpose of this study is to examine the utilization of Read-LQ(Lectio Quotient). Read-LQ can be used in the effective reading activities and in the study of literary. Read-LQ is to assess the difficulty of the book and to give a grade of the book. In the process of calculating Read-LQ is the core part of the vocabulary of the text, both quantitative and qualitative measurement. Therefore, corpus linguistics and the study of Kimgwanghae is the basis for the calculation of Read-LQ. Read-LQ Analysis Program of Natmal Institute for Information Processing Vocabulary(Natmal v. 2004) grant Read-LQ to typed text using the DB of Vocabulary list. Read-LQ of Taebaek Mountains(1) is 1,100L. This is the 9th grade to 11 grade level. In Taebaek Mountains(1) , the vocabulary related to time appear frequently. And dialects, which are related to space, also appear frequently. Read-LQ may be useful that the reader, reading educators, publishing, etc. As well as Read-LQ can be an effective tool to study of literary trends and literary style. Because it is the accumulation of data of the vocabulary in the process of calculating it. If linguist, reading specialists and literary researcher should work together, they will achieve results more abundant.


Read-LQ(Lectio Quotient), corpus linguistics, Taebaek Mountains(1), data of the vocabulary


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