Playing God - Belief and Ritual in the Muttappan Cult of North Malabar - Theodore Gabriel

Playing God - Belief and Ritual in the Muttappan Cult of North Malabar - Theodore Gabriel


Playing God - Belief and Ritual in the Muttappan Cult of North Malabar - Theodore Gabriel

Theodore Gabriel [+-]
University of Gloucestershire
Theodore Gabriel is Honorary Research Fellow in Theology and Religious Studies at the Department of Humanities, University of Gloucestershire and Assistant Professor in Religious Studies at the Queen's University (Canada) Study Centre in Hailsham, East Sussex, England.



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Gabriel, Theodore . Bibliography. Playing God - Belief and Ritual in the Muttappan Cult of North Malabar. Equinox eBooks Publishing, United Kingdom. p. 101-103 Nov 2010. ISBN 9781781790373. Date accessed: 10 Jun 2024 doi: 10.1558/equinox.24463. Nov 2010

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