Issue 2 (212), article 5


Cybernetics and Computer Engineering, 2023, 2(212)

FAINZILBERG L.S.1,2 DSc. (Engineering), Professor,
Chief researcher of Intelligent Automatic Systems Department1,
Professor of the Department of Biomedical Cybernetics2, 0000-0002-3092-0794,

Student Faculty of Biomedical Engineering,

1 International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies
and Systems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
and Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,
40, Acad. Glushkov av., Kiyv, 03187, Ukraine

2 National Technical University of Ukraine
“Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute»
37, Peremogy av., Kiyv, 03056, Ukraine


Introduction. At the current stage of society’s development, an increasing number of people suffer from hearing loss. Hearing plays an important role in the combat fitness of the military. Hearing loss can be prevented by regular testing. But in field conditions, it is impossible to conduct an audiometric study based only on standard methods.

The purpose of this paper is the development of methods for hearing loss evaluation based on tonal threshold audiometry using the client-server system, which provides remote communication between a patient and a doctor.

Methods. To check the hearing ability, the results of the current audiogram are compared with the users personal norm. In case of deviation from the norm the doctor is notified. He uses this information system to adjust the treatment.

Results. Developed information technology provides the opportunity of remote monitoring of the hearing condition and correction of treatment. It is demonstrated that the determination of the patient’s personal norm can be carried out by calculating the median from the user’s audiograms obtained with a smartphone and head phones.

Conclusions. The information system, which ensures the implementation of the proposed procedures, can be used on a mid-range smartphone running the Android operating system.

Keywords: audiogram, population and personal hearing norms, client-server information technology.

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Received 03.04.2023