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International Journal of
eISSN: 2574-9889

Pregnancy & Child Birth

Mini Review Volume 3 Issue 1

Natal and neonatal teeth in children

Eyra Rangel,1 Alejandro Ramirez,1 Marc Saadia,2 Roberto Valencia2

1Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon (UANL), Mexico
2Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Technological University of Mexico (UNITEC), Mexico

Correspondence: Marc Saadia, Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Technological University of Mexico, Prado Sur 290, CDMX, Mexico, Tel (52) 5555401966

Received: September 12, 2017 | Published: November 3, 2017

Citation: Rangel E, Ramirez A, Saadia M, et al. Natal and neonatal teeth in children. Int J Pregn & Chi Birth. 2017;3(1):196-197. DOI: 10.15406/ipcb.2017.03.00049

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neonatal teeth, palate, supernumeraries, hypoplasia, hypomineralization


As soon as the baby is born, in most countries, the pediatrician eventually evaluates possible alterations that might be relevant.1 Some alterations of the jaws can be identified at birth, Such as cleft lip and palate. Another problem is the early appearance of teeth in the newborn. In general the first tooth of a baby appears in the oral cavity approximately at six months of age, but could take up to 16 months to appear. However, when they erupt at birth they are called natal teeth or around the first month of age are called neonatal teeth, (Figure 1) both being considered irregular conditions.2-4

Figure 1 Four weeks old infant with isolated natal Teeth.

The prevalence of natal/neonatal teeth varies depending of the different re-ports, with a range of 1: 800 to 1: 30000 cases (0.03%).1-4 The most common location is the mandibular arch (88%) affecting one tooth but generally involves the two lower central incisors. Girls are more affected. Approximately 95% of the teeth belong to the primary dentition while 5% are supernumeraries (extra teeth), reason to take an X-ray for a correct diagnosis.5

Natal or neonatal teeth usually lack enamel maturation (hypoplasia and/or hypomineralization) and an alteration in tooth size and shape.1-3 Its color appearance is a brown-yellowish-whitish-opaque1 (Figures 1 & 2). The degree of mobility is one of the main concerns for parents and dentists. If the tooth is excessively mobile, it may spontaneously exfoliate; however due to a theoretical risk of aspiration or swallowing it should be electively re-moved. However, there are no reports of deaths from this condition.9 If the tooth is not very mobile, they should remain in the mouth, where they will gain strength and quality with time. Breast feeding should not be a concern if the tooth has a slight mobility. Mother nipples are generally not affected. However, if bleeding occurs, extraction(s) could be considered .10-12

Figure 2 Defect in form color and tooth size and shape of a neonatal tooth that remained in the mouth.

Riga-Fede is another condition which might prevent the baby from proper feeding and suckling. It consists of an ulceration of the ventral part of the tongue due to sharp edges of the natal or neonatal teeth and the baby thin oral mucosa8 (Figure 3). The treatment consists bringing the baby to the Pediatric Dentist who will smooth the edges followed by a fluorinated varnish will solve the ulceration.7 If extraction is decided, vitamin K should have be given to the baby to avoid bleeding.1,6,7,9 Also, care must be taken to prevent methemoglobinemia when topical anes-thetics like benzocaine and prilocaine are used.9

Figure 3 Riga-Fede. Note the ulceration.



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