Online ISSN : 1884-8788
Print ISSN : 0374-3527
ISSN-L : 0374-3527
鈴木 栄太郎岡本 英三桑田 圭司菅原 一郎大橋 秀一飛田 忠之京 明雄朱 明義連 利博
ジャーナル フリー

1979 年 15 巻 4 号 p. 309-314


A simultaneous manometric monitering of the common bile duct (CBD) and the duodenum were performed 2 weeks after choledocholithotomy on 15 patients whose common bile ducts were explored without sphincteroplasty and 30 patients with sphincteroplasty. These manometric studies were carried out by open-tip catheters intubated into the CBD and duodenum through the T-tube at the operation.
In patients without sphincteroplasty, no effects of the duodenal pressure on a CBD pressure profile were recognized, while a synchronized pressure profile of the CBD and the duodenum was obtained in patients with sphincteroplasty.
By stimulation with morphine (Morphine sulfate: 0.17mg/Kg iv bolus), waxing and waning of the pressured in the CBD without sphincteroplasty were observed with 20 cmH2O in maximum at about 13 minutes after injection. However, in the CBD with sphincteroplasty, scale-over increase of the pressure curve was seen immediately after duodenal contraction caused by morphine stimulation.
A direct infusion of 5 ml of 0.1 N hydrochloride to the duodenum causes hyperperistalsis of the duodenum, which made a synchronized pressure profile in the CBD with sphincteroplasty but made no remarkable change in a pressure profile of the CBD without sphincteroplasty.
These findings conclude that the sphincter of Oddi plays an important role as a “pressure barrier” between the CBD and the duodenum, and that with the destruction of this sphincter by sphincteroplasty, a pressure profile of the CBD becomes close to that of the duodenum. This simultaneous manometric study of the CBD and the duodenum might be one of most valuable methods for evaluation of completeness of the sphincteroplasty.


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