Analysing the sensitivity of Hungarian landscapes based on climate change induced shallow groundwater fluctuation

  • Zoltán Zsolt Fehér Department of Physical Geography and Geoinformatics, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary
  • János Rakonczai Department of Physical Geography and Geoinformatics, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary
Keywords: climate change, shallow groundwater, spatiotemporal sequential Gaussian cosimulation, Markov 2-type coregionalization


One of the undoubtedly recognizable consequences of the ongoing climate change in Hungary is the permanent change of groundwater depth, and consequently the sustainably reachable local water resources. These processes trigger remarkable changes in soil and vegetation. Thus, in research of sensitivity of any specific landscape to the varying climatic factors, monitoring and continuous evaluation of the water resources is inevitable. The presented spatiotemporal geostatistical cosimulation framework is capable to identify rearrangements of the subsurface water resources through water resource observations. Application of the Markov 2-type coregionalization model is based on the assumption, that presumably only slight changes have to be handled between two consecutive time instants, hence current parameter set can be estimated based on the spatial structures of prior and current dataset and previously identified parameters. Moreover, the algorithm is capable to take into consideration the significance of the geomorphologic settings on the subsurface water flow. Trends in water resource changes are appropriate indicators of certain areas climate sensitivity. The method is also suitable in determination of the main cause of the extraordinary groundwater discharges, like the one, observed from the beginning of the 1980’s in the Danube–Tisza Interfluve in Hungary.


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How to Cite
FehérZ. Z., & RakonczaiJ. (2019). Analysing the sensitivity of Hungarian landscapes based on climate change induced shallow groundwater fluctuation. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin, 68(4), 355-372.