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Science AMA Series: We’re NASA space communications experts, and we’re talking about how NASA connects astronauts to Earth. AMA!
  • NASASpaceComm ,
  • r/Science AMAs

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Thank you for all the questions! We are signing off now. Hi, we’re NASA technologists working on space communications systems that allow NASA to connect astronauts to Earth. This can include communications with Mission Control in Houston, with schools for STEM activities and even with social media accounts. Our Space Network provides 24/7/365 communications capabilities with the International Space Station, and with launch vehicles that service the space station. This year, we’re launching a new Tracking and Data Relay Satellite that will expand the capabilities of that network. We’re also working on laser communications for future human spaceflight missions. We are: · Don Cornwell, NASA Advanced Communications and Navigation Projects Lead ·Bob Menrad, NASA Exploration and Space Communications Associate Director ·Todd King, NASA Project Manager for Orion Laser Communications System (LEMNOS) ·Greg Heckler, NASA Deputy Telecommunications Lead for Tracking and Data Relay Satellites Amber Jacobson, NASA Exploration and Space Communications Education and Public Outreach Lead Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter at @NASA_TDRS, @NASALasercomm and @NASASCaN!