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Herbert as a Method

Eschatological issues in the poetry of contemporary Slovak spiritual poets

  • Jana Juhásová EMAIL logo


Contemporary Slovak spiritual poets after 1989 built on the tradition of the interwar authors of the “Catholic Modernism” only marginally. They prefer to search impulses in the works of great metaphysical poets of the 20th century. This fact has been reflected in the eschatological restlessness as one of the dominant themes of the young spiritual poetry. In the study the Polish poet and essayist Zbigniew Herbert (1924–1998) is perceived as the author of his own literary texts as well as a metaphor. The methodological duality is connected with the effort to answer the question which essential movements influenced the contemporary spiritual poetry in Slovakia and which form these works, if contemplated as a certain group platform, stabilize in.


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Published Online: 2015-3-30
Published in Print: 2015-4-1

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