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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter August 6, 2016

How Europe can Benefit from Immigration-Related “Diversity” – a Policy Paper

  • Laura Zanfrini EMAIL logo


This article is based on a selection of the findings and insights emerging from “DIVERSE,” diversity improvement as a viable enrichment resource for society and economy, a research-project realized with the aim of contributing to “reinvent” the European migrants’ integration model, in order to sustain both the positive interethnic coexistence and the long-term development of European societies. Implemented from January 2014 to June 2015 in 10 EU countries – Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, and Sweden –, characterized by very different migration experiences, the project had identified three major levers to maximize migrants’ potential contribution: (1) enhancing the recognition of migrants’ skills, knowledge and competences (here after: SKC); (2) promoting the awareness of the advantages provided by the implementation of diversity management (here after DM) practices; (3) improving migrants’ civic and voluntary involvement. After a presentation of the theoretical premises on which the project was based (Sections 1–2) and the description of the project activities (Section 3), the article will focus on both the major impacts and the critical insights emerged in relation of each lever (Section 4); finally, it will develop some policy implications in order to make these levers crucial components of a wider strategy aimed at benefiting from immigration-related “diversity,” reinforcing both the economic competitiveness and the social cohesion of European society (Section 5).


The project DIVERSE was supported by the European Commission (Grant Agreement HOME/2012/EIFX/CA/CFP/4248 *30-CE-0586564/00-20), directed by Laura Zanfrini, coordinated by the research centre WWELL – Work, Welfare, Enterprise, Lifelong Learning – of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan, and implemented in cooperation with 13 partners in 10 EU countries: Associazione Nazionale Oltre le Frontiere – Anolf, Varese; Commission on Filipino Migrant Workers, Amsterdam; Fondazione ISMU, Milano; Karlshochschule International University, Karlsruhe; Menedek – Hungarian Association for Migrants; Nova Universidade de Lisboa, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Lisbon; Radboud University; Società San Vincenzo de Paoli, Federazione Regionale Lombarda; Umeå University, Sweden; University of Huelva, Spain; University of Lods; University of Tartu; University of Vaasa. A detailed presentation of the project and of its results can be found in: Zanfrini 2015. Country reports, national policy briefs and other materials are available at: www.ismu/diverse.


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Published Online: 2016-8-6
Published in Print: 2016-8-1

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