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BY 4.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter Open Access December 28, 2020

Prehistorical Obsidian Sources in the Island of Lipari (Aeolian Islands)

  • Maria Clara Martinelli EMAIL logo , Mauro Coltelli , Marco Manni , Letizia Bonizzoni , Alessandra Guglielmetti , Massimo Oddone and Maria Laura Balestrieri
From the journal Open Archaeology


This research project concerns the study, analysis and dating of obsidian flows on the island of Lipari, in relation to the population of the Aeolian Islands, during the Neolithic period.

The collection, processing and diffusion of Lipari obsidian characterise the Neolithic population of Lipari and the entire Mediterranean. By improving the knowledge of supply methods in the territory, it will be possible to formulate hypotheses on the chronology of the sources, the ways of collecting the raw material and on the mobility of the Neolithic communities in the Aeolian Islands. The scientific research is divided into two main topics: the first concerns the analytical and methodological aspects of archaeological and geological studies of Lipari obsidian; the second, the formation of obsidian at Lipari, their sources and lithological characteristics. Throughout the duration of this study we will perform new age determinations of Neolithic obsidian artefacts and geological samples, directly with the method of fission track, and indirectly dating paleo soils using the radiocarbon method.


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Received: 2020-07-02
Accepted: 2020-11-05
Published Online: 2020-12-28

© 2020 Maria Clara Martinelli et al., published by De Gruyter

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