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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter March 31, 2017

Translation Difficulty: How to Measure and What to Measure

  • Alireza Akbari EMAIL logo and Winibert Segers
From the journal Lebende Sprachen
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The present research opens up the theoretical light on measuring translation difficulty through various perspectives. However, accurate evaluation of translation difficulty by means of the level of the text, translator’s characteristics, and the quality of translation are significant for translation pedagogy and accreditation. To measure translation difficulty, one has to scrutinize it into four ways as (1) the identification of resources of translation difficulty, (2) the measurement of text readability, (3) the measurement of translation difficulty by means of translation evaluation products such as holistic, analytic, calibrated dichotomous items (CDI), and the preselected items evaluation (PIE) methods, and (4) the measurement of mental workload. This article will expand on the mentioned factors in detail in order to shed light upon translation difficulty on how and what to measure.


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Published Online: 2017-03-31
Published in Print: 2017-04-01

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