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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter June 3, 2009

When uncertainty generates more anxiety than severity: the prenatal experience with cystic adenomatoid malformation of the lung

  • Lucia Aite , Antonio Zaccara , Alessandro Trucchi , Christiana Brizzi , Antonella Nahom , Barbara Iacobelli , Irma Capolupo and Pietro Bagolan


Aim: To assess reasons for higher levels of anxiety generated by prenatal counselling of a condition with good outcome such as cystic adenomatoid malformation (CCAM) of the lung compared to a life-threatening malformation such as congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH).

Materials and methods: The Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-S) was used to measure anxiety in two groups of mothers carrying a fetus with the respective malformation.

Results: Forty-four mothers completed the questionnaire (CCAM, n=21 and CDH, n=23). Before consultation, the mean STAI-S scores in the CCAM group (44.80±5.92) and in CDH group (44.05±4.96) were not significantly different but was significantly reduced in both groups after consultation (CCAM 44.80 vs. 41.60, P=0.014 and CDH 44.05 vs. 34.35, P=0.0001). The groups were not significantly different regarding gestational age at diagnosis.

Conclusions: After initial prenatal counselling, uncertainty about prenatal outcome and lack of defined management plans in CCAM seems to be more important than higher mortality rate occurring in CDH.

Corresponding author: Lucia Aite, MD “Bambino Gesù” Children Hospital Department of Neonatal Surgery P. zza S. Onofrio 4 00165 Rome Italy

Received: 2008-11-12
Revised: 2009-3-11
Accepted: 2009-3-26
Published Online: 2009-06-03
Published Online: 2009-06-03
Published in Print: 2009-09-01

©2009 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin New York

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