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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter March 1, 2005

Sudden infant death syndrome “gray zone” disclosed only by a study of the brain stem on serial sections

  • Giulia Ottaviani , Luigi Matturri , Barbara Bruni and Anna M. Lavezzi


Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) “gray zone” or borderline cases are defined as those cases in which it is difficult to establish whether the pathological findings are sufficiently severe to have caused the death. Examination of the brainstem in 103 cases of SIDS disclosed five SIDS “gray zone” cases in which only further investigations of serial sections successfully identified anatomico-pathological findings that likely represent the morphological substrates for a sudden reflexogenic death. A complete autopsy was performed, including close examination of the brainstem and cardiac conduction system, according to our guidelines. Our five cases are consistent with the triple-risk model of SIDS, a hypothesis postulating an underlying biological vulnerability to exogenous stressors or triggering factors in a critical developmental period. Inflammatory infiltrates (cases 1 and 2), necrotic focus of the solitary tract (case 3), hemangioendothelioma (case 4) and mild pneumonia (case 5) alone might or might not have accounted for the sudden deaths, if it had not been for the location and/or concomitant presence of brainstem abnormalities that could have had a triggering role in causing the sudden death of these babies.


Corresponding author: Luigi Matturri, MD, PhD, Chairman, Institute of Pathology, University of Milan, Via della Commenda 19, 20122 Milan/Italy. Tel.: +39-02-5419521; Fax: +39-02-5419538;


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Published Online: 2005-03-01
Published in Print: 2005-03-01

©2005 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin New York

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