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BY 4.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter July 4, 2022

Maternal perception of fetal movements: onset and associated factors

  • Ioannis Tsakiridis ORCID logo , Christina Zerva , Apostolos Mamopoulos , Ioannis Kalogiannidis , Apostolos Athanasiadis and Themistoklis Dagklis EMAIL logo



The purpose of this study was to determine the onset of fetal movements’ perception and to identify parameters that affect this timing.


This was a prospective cohort study including singleton pregnancies that attended routine prenatal care, in a tertiary care center, in northern Greece, between January 2020 and July 2021. We collected data on medical and obstetric history, and invited women to record the time that they perceived the fetal movements for the first time, that being the primary outcome of the study. Furthermore, we studied the associations between this timing and several obstetric and sociodemographic parameters.


In total, 2,009 women participated in the study. The mean gestational age at first perception of fetal movements was 19 weeks (±1.5). This ranged from as early as 14+0–14+6 weeks (0.1%) to 24+0–24+6 weeks (0.1%). The majority of women (73.3%) reported initial perception of fetal movements between 18+0 and 20+6 weeks. Following multivariate logistic regression analysis, we found that nulliparity (OR: 2.607; 95% CI: 1.876–3.622; p<0.001), anterior placental position (OR: 1.918; 95% CI: 1.575–2.336; p<0.001), increasing body mass index (OR: 1.063; 95% CI: 1.040–1.088; p=0.001) and advancing maternal age (OR: 1.062; 95% CI: 1.040–1.084; p<0.001) were associated with a delayed perception of fetal movements. Multiparous women reported the onset of fetal movements almost one week earlier on average (18.6±1.4 weeks) compared to nulliparous (19.4±1.4 weeks; MD: 0.843; 95% CI: 0.718–0.968; p<0.001).


The onset of maternal perception of fetal movements is around 19 weeks and this timing may be delayed by higher maternal age, higher body mass index, nulliparity and anterior placental position.


Fetal movements (FM) can be detected sonographically as early as 7 weeks, while most types of FM patterns occur by 15 weeks of gestation [1, 2]. The first fetal movements felt by pregnant women are called the “quickening” [3]; these first movements are commonly described by women as “butterflies”, “nervous twitches” or a “tumbling” motion [4]. Early in pregnancy, movements are felt occasionally, however, as the fetus grows, usually by the end of the second trimester, the kicks should grow stronger and more frequent [5]. By the end of the second trimester, FM become more distinct and the fetus tends to be most active late at night [6]. Studies have also shown that, by the third trimester, the power and frequency of perceived FM is constant and probably increase close to delivery [7, 8].

However, the exact time when women feel these movements for the first time varies significantly. Women are usually informed that they should expect to feel these movements between 16 and 20 weeks of pregnancy [9]. In their first pregnancy, it is more common to feel the movements in a later gestational age compared to subsequent pregnancies [5]. Additionally, the frequency of FM in normal fetuses may range widely, from 4 up to even 100 per hour [10], while general movements usually involve the trunk, the head and the limbs and occur in a variable order [11]. On the other hand, decreased FM may sometimes cause concerns to the mothers, while psychological parameters may contribute to the perception of FM [12, 13].

To date, there is a gap in the literature regarding the exact onset of maternal FM perception. Therefore, the aim of this study was first to determine the timing of FM perception and second to identify parameters that may affect this timing.


This was a prospective cohort study conducted between January 2020 and July 2021 by the Third Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. All women with singleton pregnancies attending the first trimester routine scan were prospectively asked to record the time at which they were certain that they felt FM and provide this information at the time of the second trimester scan, at 20+0–23+6 weeks, usually scheduled between 21+0 and 21+6 weeks. The estimated date of delivery was calculated based on the crown rump length at the first trimester scan. Women who had not felt movements by the time of the routine second trimester scan were again asked to record their first perception and then report it at their next scheduled antenatal scan, at 30–34 weeks. Women that did not attend the scheduled scans or in which fetal abnormalities were identified were excluded.

A research midwife collected all the available data regarding the medical and obstetric history, as well as the timing of first FM perception, which was the main outcome of the study. Secondary outcomes were the associations between this timing and several maternal and fetal factors, including maternal age, body mass index (BMI), gravidity, parity, smoking during pregnancy, previous obstetric history, method of conception, fetal gender, estimated fetal weight at the time of the scan and placental position. All relevant data were routinely and prospectively recorded in a local database (Astraia software gmbh, Munich, Germany).

The women consented for the anonymity of their data and the possible use for research purpose, while no incentives were provided. Following standard policy for observational studies that do not involve any intervention or modification on the routine care of the patients (, no institutional board review was required for the study [14].

Continuous variables were shown as mean (standard deviation), while all the categorical variables were expressed as n (%). Placental position was dummy coded as a binary variable to estimate the independent effect of each position. Moreover, for some statistical analyses, the variable “onset of perception of FM” was converted into a categorical one, using the mean as a cutoff. The χ2 test was used for the univariate analyses of categorical variables, while the independent samples t-test was used to identify differences in continuous variables. Additionally, using a multivariate logistic regression (backward elimination-conditional), we evaluated the association of timing of FM perception with all the possible parameters previously mentioned. Odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) were calculated, while significance was set at 5%. All the analyses were performed by SPSS software v.25.0.


Overall, 2,190 women were eligible to participate in the study during the study period; of them, 23 women (1.1%) missed the second trimester scan and 21 (1.0%) were excluded from the study due to fetal abnormalities. From the remaining participants (n=2,146), 2,009 women (93.6%) agreed to participate in the study. The mean maternal age was 32 years (±5), the mean BMI was 23.9 kg/m2 (±4.6) and the mean estimated fetal weight (EFW) at the time of the second trimester scan was 478 g (±53). Moreover, 51.7% (n=1,038) were nulliparous and 413 (20.6%) reported previous history of cesarean delivery.

The mean gestational age of first perception of FM was 19 weeks (±1.5). In particular, 1,264 women (62.9%) reported an initial perception of FM at or after 19+0 weeks. As shown in Figure 1, 25.5% (n=512) perceived FM at 19+0–19+6 weeks, while the majority of the participants initially felt FM between 18+0–20+6 weeks (73.3%; n=1,473). On the contrary, only a minority of women reported onset of FM at 14+0–16+6 weeks (5.5%; n=113, of whom 0.1%; n=3 at 14+0–14+6 weeks) or at 22+0–24+6 weeks (4.2%; n=86). Of note, 2.2% (n=45) women had not felt movements at the time of the anomaly scan and they reported this information at the next scan at 32 weeks. The sociodemographic and obstetric characteristics of the participants are presented in Tables 1 and 2.

Figure 1: 
Gestational age at the onset of maternal perception of fetal movements.
Figure 1:

Gestational age at the onset of maternal perception of fetal movements.

Table 1:

Baseline characteristics of the participants (n=2,009).

Characteristics Mean (SD) or n (%)
Maternal age, years 32 (5)
BMI, kg/m2 23.9 (4.6)
≥25 617 (30.7)
≥30 199 (9.9)
Nulliparous 1,038 (51.7)
Multiparous 971 (48.3)
Primigravida 819 (40.8)
Multigravida 1,190 (59.2)
Planned pregnancy
Yes 1,748 (87.0)
No 261 (13.0)
Yes 245 (12.2)
No 1,764 (87.8)
Method of conception
Spontaneous 1,921 (95.6)
ART 88 (4.4)
Previous cesarean delivery
Yes 413 (20.6)
No 1,596 (79.4)
Fetal gender
Female 985 (49.0)
Male 1,024 (51.0)
EFW, g 478 (53)
Placental position
Anterior 855 (42.6)
Posterior 967 (48.1)
Lateral 187 (9.3)
High 1,742 (86.7)
Low lying 267 (13.3)
  1. BMI, body mass index; SD, standard deviation; ART, assisted reproductive technology; EFW, estimated fetal weight.

Table 2:

Onset of perception of fetal movements according to specific parameters (n=2,009).

Onset of FM <19 weeks n=745 (mean/SD or n/%) Onset of FM ≥19 weeks n=1,264 (mean/SD or n/%) p-Value
Maternal age, years 32 (5) 33 (5) 0.002
BMI, kg/m2 23.3 (4.1) 24.2 (4.8) <0.001
Nulliparity 277 (37.2) 761 (60.2) <0.001
Multiparity 533 (71.5) 657 (52.0) <0.001
Planned pregnancy 630 (84.6) 1,118 (88.4) 0.012
Smoking 83 (11.1) 162 (12.8) 0.268
ART 23 (3.1) 65 (5.1) 0.03
Previous cesarean delivery 187 (25.1) 226 (17.9) <0.001
Male gender 386 (51.8) 638 (50.5) 0.562
EFW 474 (52) 480 (52) 0.024
Placental position
 Anterior 245 (32.9) 610 (48.3) <0.001
 Posterior 430 (57.7) 537 (42.5) <0.001
 Lateral 70 (9.4) 117 (9.0) 0.917
 Low lying 93 (12.5) 174 (13.8) 0.413
  1. FM, fetal movements; SD, standard deviation; BMI, body mass index; ART, assisted reproductive technology; EFW, estimated fetal weight.

Following multivariate logistic regression analysis, by using the mean “onset of perception of FM” as a dependent categorical variable (cutoff: 19), maternal age, BMI, parity and placental position were identified as independent predictors of the timing of maternal perception of FM. In particular, advancing maternal age (OR: 1.062; 95% CI: 1.040–1.084; p<0.001), high BMI (OR: 1.063; 95% CI: 1.040–1.088; p=0.001), nulliparity (OR: 2.607; 95% CI: 1.876–3.622; p<0.001) and an anterior placental position (OR: 1.918; 95% CI: 1.575–2.336; p<0.001) were associated with delayed first perception of FM in pregnancy. None of the following factors had any effect on the FM: gravidity, planned pregnancy, smoking, method of conception, previous history of cesarean delivery, fetal gender or EFW at the second trimester scan.

In subgroup analyses, multiparous women reported the onset of FM approximately one week earlier on average (18.6±1.4 weeks) compared to nulliparous ones (19.4±1.4 weeks; Mean difference: – MD: 0.843; 95% CI: 0.718–0.968; p<0.001). Similarly, the mean gestational age at the onset of perception of FM was more advanced, at 19.3 weeks (±1.5), in women with anterior placenta, while it was 18.8 weeks (±1.4) for women with non-anterior placenta (MD: −0.505; 95% CI: −0.635 to −0.375; p<0.001) (Table 3). Women at or older than 35 years mentioned FM later than younger ones (19.1±1.5 vs. 19.0±1.5 weeks; MD: −0.158; 95% CI: −0.298 to −0.018; p=0.027). We also found that women with BMI ≥25 kg/m2 and those with BMI ≥30 kg/m2 reported a later onset of FM than those with BMI <25 kg/m2 (19.2±1.5 vs. 18.9±1.5; MD: −0.250; 95% CI: −0.391 to −0.110; p<0.001) and those with BMI <30 kg/m2 (19.5±1.5 vs. 19.0±1.5; MD: −0.535; 95% CI: −0.752 to −0.319; p<0.001), respectively.

Table 3:

Comparisons of gestational weeks at the onset of perception of fetal movements according to placental position.

Placental position GA at onset of FM (mean/SD) MD (95% CI) p-Value
Anterior vs. posterior 19.3 (1.5) vs. 18.7 (1.4) −0.549 (−0.684 to −0.413) p<0.001
Anterior vs. lateral 19.3 (1.5) vs. 19.0 (1.4) −0.279 (−0.500 to −0.059) p=0.013
Posterior vs. lateral 18.7 (1.4) vs. 19.0 (1.4) 0.269 (0.046–0.492) p=0.018
  1. GA, gestational age; FM, fetal movements; SD, standard deviation; MD, mean difference; CI, confidence interval.

Additionally, we conducted another subgroup analysis including multiparous women only to check the effect of a previous cesarean delivery on the perception of FM. We found that the mean gestational age at the onset of FM was not significantly different between the group of women with a history of cesarean section (18.6±1.4 weeks) and the group of women with a previous history of vaginal delivery (18.6±1.5 weeks; MD: −0.015; 95% CI: −0.195 to 0.165; p= 0.873).

In another sub-group analysis, we investigated the independent contributors of the onset of maternal perception of FM in the groups of nulliparous and multiparous women, respectively. We found that for nulliparous women, advancing maternal age (OR: 1.064; 95% CI: 1.034–1.095; p<0.001), high BMI (OR: 1.066; 95% CI: 1.029–1.105; p<0.001) and anterior placenta (OR: 2.100; 95% CI: 1.556–2.834; p<0.001) were associated with delayed perception of FM in pregnancy. In the multiparous’ group, advancing maternal age (OR: 1.058; 95% CI: 1.028–1.089; p<0.001) and high BMI (OR: 1.062; 95% CI: 1.031–1.094; p<0.001) delay the onset of FM, while the presence of posterior placenta leads to earlier onset of perception of FM (OR: 0.552; 95% CI: 0.426–0.715; p<0.001).


Main findings

This study has shown that, first, the mean timing of maternal perception of FM is 19 weeks and second, factors that are associated with a delay in the perception of movements are advancing maternal age, high BMI, primiparity and anterior placenta. Moreover, nulliparous and those with anterior placenta tend to feel the onset of FM about one week later than the multiparous and those with non-anterior placenta, respectively. To date, this is a unique study on the onset of perception of FM, that could be used as a useful guide for the antenatal counselling of pregnant women, who, especially in their first pregnancy, are anxious to perceive fetal movements.

Interpretation of the findings

While the pregnancy progresses, women become gradually aware of the FM [15]. Moreover, the perception of FM in a normal pattern, probably reflects the maturity of the fetal central nervous system, indicating that there are intact neuromuscular functions and there are adequate nutritional supplies to support it [16]. In addition, it has been reported that maternal position affects the perception of the FM; women perceive more FM when they lie down, in comparison with standing or sitting positions [17]. This subjective perception of FM has been proven to be relevant with the sonographically detected FM with advancing gestation [18]. At first, it may be hard to tell whether it is actually the fetus moving, but published evidence has shown that pregnant women can perceive up to 88% of sonographically shown FM [12].

Regarding the onset of perception, our data are in accordance with a previous report by Gillieson et al. on 112 pregnant women, published in 1984; they found that the timing of FM perception is around 16–19 gestational weeks [5]. Also in agreement with our findings, in that study, FM occurred at a mean gestational age of 18–19 weeks in nulliparous and at 16–18 weeks in multiparous women [5].

Regarding the effect of placental position, a previous study found that anterior placenta reduces the perception of FM at 20–27 weeks of gestation, but not at 28–35 weeks [19]. Moreover, the study by Gilliason et al. reported that anterior placenta increases the onset of the maternal perception of FM by approximately one week, which is also in agreement with our data [5]. However, the same study concluded that placental position was the only independent contributor to the onset of perception of FM [5]. This is partially in contrast with our findings, which found that apart from an anterior placenta, parity, maternal age and BMI are also independent predictors for the perception of FM. Of note, our sample consisted of 2,009 women, so our conclusions could be more robust than those of the aforementioned study. Furthermore, as the study by Gilliason et al. was conducted almost 40 years ago, changes in maternal age and habitus may have influenced our results.

We also found that increased BMI has a significant contribution to the onset of perception of FM; our findings are in accordance with previously published data, which found that women more than 80 kg were in higher risk of not feeling the FM [20]. However, the study by Lowery et al. found that although obesity is a contributing factor for late perception of FM, abdominal wall thickness did not seem to affect the FM [21]. Of note, the majority of the previous studies did not define obesity or they estimated only the weight without considering the height of the women, so a systematic bias on their reports may exist. In our study, following the established definitions, we found that both overweight and obese women reported a later onset of FM. Regarding advancing maternal age, the later onset of perception of FM could be attributed to the increased levels of stress among older pregnant women. Indeed, according to the study by Hertogs et al. psychological parameters may affect the onset of perception of FM [22].

No studies were identified in the literature search addressing the issue of a clinical significance of delayed perception of fetal movements. Some genetic syndromes and other clinical conditions are associated with decreased or diminished fetal movements, including fetal akinesia sequence, arthrogryposis, fetal anemia, severe early fetal growth restriction and obviously fetal death [23]. Therefore, developing a normal range for the onset of perception of fetal movements may provide the basis for clinical suspicion or early recognition of these conditions.

Strengths and limitations

To the best of our knowledge, this is the largest and most contemporary study assessing the gestational age at the onset of maternal perception of FM. The major strengths of the study are the prospective study design, the sonographic determination of gestational age in the first trimester and the large sample size.

However, certain limitations exist. Since the study was based on a personal subjective report of the onset of FM, a certain degree of recall bias may have occurred. However, women were prospectively asked to record the onset of FM and as this is considered a significant moment for most pregnant women, this bias was likely not extensive. Furthermore, our data reflect a single-center experience from a tertiary academic hospital in Greece, with a Caucasian population; however, since the hospital serves a population of about 1.5 million people, our results could probably be generalizable to the total pregnant population of Greece and probably to any Caucasian population.


We found that the onset of maternal perception of FM is around 19 weeks, in 73.3% of the cases at 18+0–20+6 weeks and that older age, nulliparity, high BMI and an anterior placenta may delay this onset. This information may be useful to health professionals and pregnant women, to provide reassurance especially in primigravidas who often become anxious with regards to FM.

Corresponding author: Themistoklis Dagklis MD, PhD, Assistant Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Third Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece, Phone and Fax: +30 2310 992150, E-mail:

  1. Research funding: None declared.

  2. Author contributions: Themistoklis Dagklis developed the original idea for the study, coordinated and revised the manuscript. Ioannis Tsakiridis designed, coordinated, implemented the project and submitted the article. Christina Zerva designed, evaluated the results and coordinated the manuscript. Ioannis Kalogiannidis coordinated the recruitment of the participants. Apostolos Mamopoulos and Apostolos Athanasiadis cooperated in the analysis and participated in the revision. All the authors have accepted responsibility for the entire content of this submitted manuscript and approved submission.

  3. Competing interests: Authors state no conflict of interest.

  4. Informed consent: All the participants consented that their anonymized files may be used for research.

  5. Ethical approval: Following standard policy for audit or observational studies not involving any modification or intervention on the standard management of the participants (, no institutional board review was needed and obtained for this study.


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Received: 2021-11-14
Accepted: 2022-05-24
Published Online: 2022-07-04
Published in Print: 2022-11-25

© 2022 the author(s), published by De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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