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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter August 6, 2014

Mining for single nucleotide variants (SNVs) at the kallikrein locus with predicted functional consequences

  • Niron Sukumar , Erika Scott , Apostolos Dimitromanolakis , Alexandra Misiak , Ioannis Prassas , Eleftherios P. Diamandis and Ana Konvalinka EMAIL logo
From the journal Biological Chemistry


Kallikreins (KLKs) are a group of 15 serine proteases encoded by the KLK locus on chromosome 19. Certain single nucleotide variants (SNVs) within the KLK locus have been linked to human disease. Next-generation sequencing of large human cohorts enables reexamination of genomic variation at the KLK locus. We aimed to identify all KLK-related SNVs and examine their impact on gene regulation and function. To this end, we mined KLK SNVs across Ensembl and Exome Variant Server, with exome-sequencing data from 6503 individuals. PolyPhen-2-based prediction of damaging SNVs and population frequencies of these SNVs were examined. Damaging SNVs were plotted on protein sequence and structure. We identified 4866 SNVs, the largest number of KLK-related SNVs reported. Fourteen percent of noncoding SNVs overlapped with transcription factor binding sites. We identified 602 missense coding SNVs, among which 148 were predicted to be damaging. Nine missense SNVs were common (>1% frequency) and displayed significantly different frequencies between European-American and African-American populations. SNVs predicted to be damaging appeared to alter tertiary structure of KLK1 and KLK6. Similarly, these missense SNVs may affect KLK function, resulting in disease phenotypes. Our study represents a mine of information for those studying KLK-related SNVs and their associations with diseases.

Corresponding author: Ana Konvalinka, Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, Toronto General Hospital, University Health Network, 8N – 859, 200 Elizabeth Street, Toronto, Ontario M5G 2C4, Canada, e-mail:
aThese authors contributed equally to this manuscript.


The authors would like to thank the NHLBI GO Exome Sequencing Project and its ongoing studies, which produced and provided exome variant calls for comparison: the Lung GO Sequencing Project (HL-102923), the WHI Sequencing Project (HL-102924), the Broad GO Sequencing Project (HL-102925), the Seattle GO Sequencing Project (HL-102926), and the Heart GO Sequencing Project (HL-103010).


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Received: 2014-2-14
Accepted: 2014-7-3
Published Online: 2014-8-6
Published in Print: 2014-9-1

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