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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter October 5, 2018

The formal Kuranishi parameterization via the universal homological perturbation theory solution of the deformation equation

  • Johannes Huebschmann ORCID logo EMAIL logo


Using homological perturbation theory, we develop a formal version of the miniversal deformation associated with a deformation problem controlled by a differential graded Lie algebra over a field of characteristic zero. Our approach includes a formal version of the Kuranishi method in the theory of deformations of complex manifolds.

Dedicated to Tornike Kadeishvili

Funding source: Labex

Award Identifier / Grant number: ANR-11-LABX-0007-01

Funding statement: I gratefully acknowledge support by the CNRS and by the Labex CEMPI (ANR-11-LABX-0007-01).

A Appendix

Let U be an 𝔽-vector space.

A.1 Symmetric coalgebra

For j2, the j-th symmetric copower Sjc[U]Uj of U is the linear 𝔽-subspace of invariants under the canonical action, on Uj, of the symmetric group on j letters.

The graded symmetric 𝔽-coalgebra cogenerated by U is the graded coaugmented subcoalgebra of the graded 𝔽-tensor coalgebra {Uj}j cogenerated by U having 𝔽 as its homogeneous degree 0 and U as its homogeneous degree 1 constituents and, for j2, as homogeneous degree j constituent the j-th symmetric copower Sjc[U] of U. The 𝔽-vector space U being concentrated in degree 1, the canonical projection from {Sjc[U]}j to U yields the requisite cogenerating morphism of graded 𝔽-vector spaces. Totalization yields the symmetric 𝔽-coalgebra Sc[U] cogenerated by U. For 0, the coaugmentation filtration degree constituent Sc[U]Sc[U] of Sc[U] has, for j, as its homogeneous constituents the homogeneous constituents Sjc[U] of Sc[U].

Recall that the canonical diagonal map UUU induces an 𝔽-bialgebra structure on the symmetric 𝔽-algebra S[U] and that multiplication by -1 on U yields an antipode such that S[U] acquires an 𝔽-Hopf algebra structure. The canonical projection πU:S[U]U induces, via the universal property of Sc[U], the canonical morphism S[U]Sc[U], cf. (3.1), of graded 𝔽-coalgebras. This canonical morphism, viewed as an 𝔽-linear map, coincides with the 𝔽-linear map that underlies the canonical morphism S[U]Sc[U] of graded 𝔽-algebras associated with the canonical injection USc[U] and, since the ground field 𝔽 has characteristic zero, this morphism is an isomorphism of graded 𝔽-Hopf algebras.

As in Subsection 3.1 above, choose an 𝔽-basis B of U. The canonical morphism Γ[B]Sc[U] of 𝔽-coalgebras is an isomorphism, and the canonical map can:𝔽[B]Γ[B] renders the diagram

commutative. The inverse of can:𝔽[B]Γ[B] sends γj(b) to 1j!bj (j1) as b ranges over B and thereby introduces divided powers in S[U].

Remark A.1.

The obvious forgetful functor from the category of general cocommutative 𝔽-coalgebras, i.e., cocommutative 𝔽-coalgebras not necessarily endowed with a coaugmentation, to that of 𝔽-vector spaces admits likewise a right adjoint [47, p. 129, Theorem 6.4.3]. Write this functor as Σc. Consider an 𝔽-vector space U. The 𝔽-coalgebra Σc[U] comes with a canonical coaugmentation map, and Sc[U] is the largest cocomplete 𝔽-subcoalgebra of Σc[U] cogenerated by U, but the two coalgebras do not coincide unless U is the trivial vector space, cf. [4, 20]. For example, when U has dimension 1 and when z denotes the standard coordinate function on U, the symmetric 𝔽-coalgebra Sc[U] amounts to the coalgebra that underlies the polynomial algebra 𝔽[z] (as noted before), whereas Σc[U] comes down to the 𝔽-coalgebra that underlies the algebra of rational functions in the variable z which are regular at the origin. For general U, in [47], see also [41, p. 26, p. 51], [42, Section 3, note on p. 720], the 𝔽-coalgebra Σc[U] is referred to as the symmetric coalgebra on U.

A.2 Formal tangent space

Let C be an 𝔽-coalgebra, and let Coder(C) denote the 𝔽-vector space of coderivations of C, endowed with the Lie bracket arising from the commutator of 𝔽-linear endomorphisms of C. More generally, for a C-bicomodule B, we denote by Coder(B,C) the 𝔽-vector space of coderivations from B to C.

A morphism CSc[U] of 𝔽-coalgebras induces an Sc[U]-bicomodule structure on C. Recall that, in view of the universal property of the symmetric 𝔽-coalgebra Sc[U] on U, the cogenerating surjection Sc[U]U induces an isomorphism Coder(C,Sc[U])Hom(C,U) of 𝔽-vector spaces. In particular, the cogenerating surjection Sc[U]U of 𝔽-vector spaces induces an 𝔽-vector space isomorphism


Now, the coaugmentation map η:𝔽Sc[U] turns the ground field 𝔽 into an Sc[U]-bicomodule, and we use the notation 𝔽η for this Sc[U]-bicomodule. The above observation entails that the cogenerating surjection Sc[U]U induces an isomorphism


of 𝔽-vector spaces. Thus the 𝔽-vector space Coder(𝔽η,Sc[U]) is canonically isomorphic to the 𝔽-vector space of primitives in Sc[U] relative to the canonical Hopf algebra structure of Sc[U]. We refer to the space of primitives in Sc[U] as the formal tangent space to U at 0. When 𝔽 is the field of real or that of complex numbers, this formal tangent space comes of course down to the ordinary tangent space to U at 0.

Let 𝔽ε denote the base field 𝔽, endowed with the Hom(Sc[U],𝔽)-module structure induced by the augmentation map ε:Hom(Sc[U],𝔽)𝔽. The canonical map


is an isomorphism. Under (A.1), a basis element of U goes to the associated operation of partial derivative. This justifies the terminology “formal tangent space” to U at 0.


I am indebted to Jim Stasheff for a number of most valuable comments on a draft of the paper.


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Received: 2018-04-03
Accepted: 2018-06-09
Published Online: 2018-10-05
Published in Print: 2018-12-01

© 2018 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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