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Publicly Available Published by De Gruyter July 25, 2020

The effect of prior experience on diagnostic reasoning: exploration of availability bias

  • Sandra Monteiro ORCID logo EMAIL logo , Jonathan Sherbino , Jonathan S. Ilgen , Emily M. Hayden , Elizabeth Howey and Geoff Norman
From the journal Diagnosis



Diagnostic reasoning has been shown to be influenced by a prior similar patient case. However, it is unclear whether this process influences diagnostic error rates or whether clinicians at all experience levels are equally susceptible. The present study measured the influence of specific prior exposure and experience level on diagnostic accuracy.


To create the experience of prior exposure, participants (pre-clerkship medical students, emergency medicine residents, and faculty) first verified diagnoses of clinical vignettes. The influence of prior exposures was measured using equiprobable clinical vignettes; indicating two diagnoses. Participants diagnosed equiprobable cases that were: 1) matched to exposure cases (in one of three conditions: a) similar patient features, similar clinical features; b) dissimilar patient features, similar clinical features; c) similar patient features, dissimilar clinical features), or 2) not matched to any prior case (d) no exposure). A diagnosis consistent with a matched exposure case was scored correct. Cases with no prior exposure had no matched cases, hence validated the equiprobable design.


Diagnosis A represented 47% of responses in condition d, but there was no influence of specific similarity of patient characteristics for Diagnosis A, F(3,712)=7.28, p=0.28 or Diagnosis B, F(3,712)=4.87, p=0.19. When re-scored based on matching both equiprobable diagnoses, accuracy was high, but favored faculty (n=40) 98%, and residents (n=39) 98% over medical students (n=32) 85%, F(2,712)=35.6, p<0.0001. Accuracy for medical students was 84, 87, 94, and 73% for conditions a–d, respectively, interaction F(2,712)=3.55, p<0.002.


The differential diagnosis of pre-clerkship medical students improved with prior exposure, but this was unrelated to specific case or patient features. The accuracy of medical residents and staff was not influenced by prior exposure.


Classic work on diagnostic reasoning has established that clinicians propose an initial diagnostic hypothesis quite rapidly and very early in a patient encounter [1], [2], [3], [4]. These early diagnostic hypotheses have been shown to determine final diagnostic accuracy; if the correct diagnostic hypothesis was advanced in the first few minutes of a clinical encounter, clinicians were likely to be correct (95%), whereas if the hypothesis was not advanced in the first few minutes, the likelihood of an eventual accurate diagnosis was much lower (20%) [4]. In another study in a primary care setting, the accuracy of clinicians’ “diagnostic hypotheses” was 78% when based only on a review of the chief complaint alone [3]. Subsequent review of the patient history contributed a smaller amount to diagnostic performance (16%), while the physical exam and diagnostic tests did not influence clinicians’ diagnostic accuracy.

This early hypothesis generation process is presumed to be based on prior examples [1]. In the course of becoming an expert, a clinician will encounter hundreds of clinical cases. These encounters may be seen as representative of core distinguishing features; relying on memory for these prior cases may be both an accurate and efficient way to sort between the features of one potential diagnosis relative to another [5], [6]. Even for novices, prior examples can provide scaffolding to understand how current case features relate to prior experiences; given the relatively small subset of cases that novice clinicians have to draw upon; this approach may be less effective in terms of accuracy [7]. Indeed, several studies have shown that prior examples can have both positive and negative effects on diagnostic accuracy [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12]. While none of these specifically evaluated the influence of expertise, the common sense conclusion from this classic research is that more experienced physicians generate more accurate hypotheses [1]. Yet recent literature [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19] has unilaterally emphasized the potential for error due to reliance on prior examples. Kahneman described this as the process by which:

“…people assess the … probability of an event by the ease with which instances or occurrences can be brought to mind. If the availability heuristic is applied, then such factors will affect the … subjective probability of events. Consequently, the use of the availability heuristic leads to systematic biases.” [18]

Typical descriptions of this process, often called “availability bias,” [12], [13], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19] do not specify the contextual factors (e.g., clinical signs or symptoms, patient demographics) that may influence ease of recall. However, results from previous studies of availability bias suggest two mechanisms that may act independently of expertise: the current case may facilitate recall of the clinical reasoning pathway and relevant clinical knowledge of differential diagnoses [19], [20], [21], or resemblance between a prior case and the current case—even related to non-clinical features such as hair color—may be sufficient to facilitate recall [8]. Of particular concern, research on the availability bias in domains outside of medicine rarely include expertise as a factor. With few exceptions, studies of cognitive bias outside medicine use materials that are “knowledge or experience sparse” and dependent more on statistical or logical analysis than specialist knowledge [22]. Consequently, they provide no insight into the effect of experience or expertise. Within medicine, a few studies have evaluated how expertise is associated with the influence of cognitive bias [21], [23]. In one study, exposure to prior similar cases was measured through self-report and the nature of similarity was not controlled [21]. Additionally, participants reviewed very few cases. In the second study, clinical outcomes for 12 cases were presented in a positive versus a negative frame, but the effects of this biasing technique were minimal [23]. Indeed, medical students did not demonstrate bias. More experienced physicians demonstrated a small bias for only 2 cases and responded in idiosyncratic ways, suggesting a stronger influence of unique personal experience [23]. The empirical question remaining is whether the influence of a prior example varies when cases share similar features or dissimilar features, and also if these variations are influenced further by the clinician’s level of experience.

This study aimed to measure the influence of a single similar prior case on the diagnostic hypothesis generation process. As it is difficult to control what prior cases physicians have seen or remember, study participants were exposed to identical sets of recent prior cases. A preliminary exposure phase created the experience of a prior case. In this exposure phase, participants confirmed a working diagnosis. A second test phase measured the influence of the prior case. The similarity of case features in the exposure and test phases was manipulated to evaluate the effect of case similarity on the diagnostic accuracy of clinicians with varying amounts of experience. Competing clinical reasoning theories predict two potential outcomes: 1) if experts rely more on analytical reasoning and discount prior examples, they demonstrate no influence of a prior similar case; 2) if experts rely more on similarity to prior exemplars, the influence of a prior similar case may be stronger for experts compared to novices [20], [24].

Research questions

  1. To what extent is diagnosis of a written clinical case influenced by the similar features of recent cases?

    1. How is the influence of recent case exposure related to patient contextual features that are unrelated to the clinical pathology itself?

    2. How does prior case exposure influence performance in clinicians at different levels of experience (student, resident, faculty)?

Materials and methods

Design summary

The study involved clinicians at three levels of expertise—pre-clerkship medical students, emergency medicine residents, and staff emergency medicine physicians. In essence, we engineered experiences with specific prior cases. We then measured if there was an influence of these prior cases on a set of test cases. Each participant first went through an exposure phase involving a total of eight case vignettes. They then diagnosed 10 test cases. The exposure and test phases created four experimental conditions and one control condition. This study design is summarized in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Study flow diagram – all participants completed an exposure phase and a test phase.*Control case diagnoses: adrenal insufficiency, anaphylaxis, glyburide and mastoiditis.
Figure 1:

Study flow diagram – all participants completed an exposure phase and a test phase.

*Control case diagnoses: adrenal insufficiency, anaphylaxis, glyburide and mastoiditis.


Three board certified emergency physicians (EMH, JI, and JS) each with more than 10 years in clinical practice, developed all case materials. All case vignettes followed a standard format describing the chief complaint, past medical history, history of presenting illness, social history and physical examination findings relevant to a particular disease process. Additionally, seven specific and unique patient characteristics where coded for all test cases (See Appendix A, supplementary material, for a description of the case format).

In total 36 cases were created. Case developers first identified reasonable pairs of diagnoses that are often considered together when evaluating a common chief complaint (e.g., cholecystitis and pancreatitis both in the differential diagnosis of upper abdominal pain). The eight diagnostic pairs (referred to hereafter as Diagnosis A and B) are shown in Table 1. For each diagnostic pair, one ambiguous test case representative of both Diagnosis A and B was created (referred to hereafter as 50/50 cases). Additionally, three prior exposure cases were created with carefully manipulated similarity to the 50/50 cases: similar patient context representative of Diagnosis A (referred to hereafter as condition a), similar patient context representative of Diagnosis B (referred to hereafter as condition b) and dissimilar patient context representative of Diagnosis A (referred to hereafter as condition c). Conditions a–c are explained in more detail below. Finally, four control filler cases were created: adrenal insufficiency, anaphylaxis, glyburide, and mastoiditis. The purpose of these cases is described below.

Table 1:

These eight paired diagnoses were the basis for the test vignettes and the experimental manipulation introducing similarity to a prior case (priming case). Through counterbalancing, participants saw six different prototypical cases in the priming phase that strongly indicated one of the diagnoses.

Diagnosis ADiagnosis B
AppendicitisTuboovarian abscess
CellulitisDeep vein thrombosis
Crystal arthropathySeptic joint
Myocardial infarctionAortic dissection
PneumoniaPulmonary embolism
Subarachnoid hemorrhageMeningitis

Prior exposure case design and validation

Prior exposure cases could be representative of Diagnosis A or B. For example, cases representative of Diagnosis A contained five clinical features consistent with Diagnosis A, and one clinical feature consistent with Diagnosis B. All 24 exposure cases were blindly reviewed by 10 experienced emergency physicians not involved with the study. Using a 100-point scale, where zero represented Diagnosis A and 100 represented Diagnosis B, these experts rated the cases. Only exposure cases that had a mean score of less than 10 (related to diagnostic category B) or greater than 90 (related to diagnostic category A) were included.

50/50 case design and validation

Equiprobable, or 50/50 cases, were designed so that there were two diagnoses indicated; Diagnosis A and B (see Table 1). Each 50/50 test case contained five clinical features specific for Diagnosis A and five clinical features specific for Diagnosis B. This strategy (“50/50” cases) has been used in previous studies [20], [24], [25]. The premise is that without any other influence, participants should be equally likely to select Diagnosis A or B. But if there is a bias or undue influence, for example from a previous case of Diagnosis A, then participants should be more likely to select Diagnosis A. These 50/50 cases were blindly reviewed by 10 experienced emergency physicians not involved with the study. Reviewers rated the cases using a 100-point scale, where 0 represented Diagnosis A and 100 represented Diagnosis B. Only test cases that had a mean score of between 40 and 60 for both diagnostic categories were included.

Manipulation of similarity between exposure and 50/50 cases

Similarity to 50/50 cases was either increased or decreased, or not modulated. Case similarity of exposure cases was modulated through the seven patient characteristics and the proportion of diagnosis-specific clinical features. As stated previously, patient characteristics included in exposure cases were intentionally matched or mismatched to those presented in 50/50 test cases. Conditions a–c are described here:

  1. Similar to a case representative of Diagnosis A: contains similar patient and clinical features. This manipulation was intended to increase similarity between a 50/50 test case and a prior exposure case – contains five Diagnosis A clinical features, one Diagnosis B clinical feature and seven similar patient characteristics

  2. [the counterpart to condition a] Similar to a case representative of Diagnosis B: contains similar patient and clinical features. This manipulation is identical to condition a, but for Diagnosis B – contains five Diagnosis B clinical features, one Diagnosis A clinical feature and seven similar patient characteristics. This condition was introduced to ensure that both diagnoses in each pair had equal influence within our study and there was no unintended systematic bias towards one diagnosis from each pair.

  3. Similar to case representative of Diagnosis A: but contains dissimilar patient and clinical features. This manipulation was intended to decrease similarity between a 50/50 test case and a prior exposure case – contains five Diagnosis A clinical features, one Diagnosis B clinical feature but no similar patient features. This condition was introduced to evaluate the strength of mere exposure to a clinical diagnosis, independent of case feature similarity.

An additional condition d was created by including 50/50 cases at test that had no match at the exposure phase. To be clear, this condition did not involve the creation of new cases, but rather the absence of a matching case at exposure.


The study recruited participants at three levels of expertise: pre-clerkship medical students (n=32), residents (postgraduate year one or 2) in emergency medicine (n=34), and board-certified emergency physicians (n=35). Medical students were recruited from McMaster University. Resident and faculty participants were recruited from three sites: McMaster University, University of Washington, and Harvard University. Participants received a standard monetary honorarium for their participation.


All cases were presented on a computer and participants were free to review cases at their own pace. All materials were presented using an open source web-based software (Livecode Ltd).

Prior exposure phase

Participants read a case vignette representative of a diagnosis (e.g., cholecystitis as a typical diagnosis of upper abdominal pain) and were asked to verify the accuracy of the provided diagnosis. Accuracy of their verification was not analyzed.

Participants were exposed to a random selection of eight cases (all taken from different pairs); two cases described by condition a, two described by condition b and two described by condition c. These cases were developed within one of the three conditions using block randomization so that all eight cases/diagnostic pairs were matched to conditions a–d equally across all participants. For emphasis, the experimental manipulation of similarity was applied to cases in the exposure phase, but the impact of these manipulations were measured later in the test phase. The participants were unaware of the manipulation of the case vignettes in the exposure phase to permit an experimental test of the hypothesized mechanism. An additional two control filler cases were included in this phase to help disguise the study design.

Test phase

Participants then diagnosed 10 test vignettes: six 50/50 cases from condition a to c; two 50/50 cases from condition d; two control filler cases. Written responses were recorded, scored and analyzed.


Written responses for all cases were scored using a rubric created by the case developers. Any scoring ambiguity was resolved by consensus. Control cases had only one correct answer. Responses to test cases were scored as ‘correct’ if the diagnosis matched the similar prior exposure case. For example, if a participant saw an exposure case of Diagnosis A (e.g., Pneumonia) within condition a, then a response of Pneumonia to the similar test case was coded as correct (consistent with the prime). Conversely, a diagnosis of Pulmonary Emolism (PE) would be scored as incorrect (inconsistent with the prime). A high diagnostic accuracy in the presence of a prior exposure case of Pneumonia would then be interpreted as a positive influence of availability bias. Cases in condition d were not scored as correct or incorrect but confirmed the validity of the 50/50 case design, by providing a frequency count of indicating Diagnosis A in the absence of a bias.

Ethical approval

Pursuant to the Declaration of Helsinki regarding the ethical conduct of research with human subjects, research ethics approval was received from McMaster University REB #: 11-409;

University of Washington IRB #: 40249 EB; Partners Human Research Committee #: 2016P000605/MGH and consent from all participants was recorded.

Primary analysis

Analyses to explore specific similarity to a single prior case and level of experience

Previous research has demonstrated that exemplar-based reasoning may result in one to one matching with a prior case [7], and this may arise from case features that are similar. Using the scoring method described, conditions a and b should have equal accuracy. Condition d should have 50% accuracy. Condition c might be 50% or lower; condition d was designed to produce a 50% accuracy while condition c was designed to mislead. This hypothesis is tested by examining accuracy with a mixed model ANOVA with Expertise and Condition as between subject factors, and Case as within subject factor. We conducted separate analyses to evaluate the influence of condition on accuracy for Diagnosis A and B.


For the eight 50/50 cases overall, Diagnosis A represented 41%, Diagnosis B 53% and other diagnoses 6% of all responses. The percent by condition for Diagnosis A: a) 36%, b) 36%, c) 44% and d) 47%. Accuracy for filler cases varied: 68% for medical students and 98% for residents and staff.

Specific similarity

As shown in Figure 2, the results examining accuracy assessed by Diagnosis A only did not reveal any influence of specific similarity of patient characteristics (F(3,712)=7.28, p=0.28). (Similar results are found for Diagnosis B (F(3,712)=4.87, p=0.19)). Contrary to the proposed hypothesis there was no evidence of a gradient of accuracy. Although condition d did produce roughly 50/50 accuracy, this was not unique.

Figure 2: Specific Similarity – Diagnostic accuracy results for conditions a to d, determined by examining the influence of condition on Diagnosis A only. Similar results are seen when analyzed for Diagnosis B. Error bars are standard error for condition.
Figure 2:

Specific Similarity – Diagnostic accuracy results for conditions a to d, determined by examining the influence of condition on Diagnosis A only. Similar results are seen when analyzed for Diagnosis B. Error bars are standard error for condition.


There was no main effect of expertise when analyzed for Diagnosis A. There was a main effect of Expertise level when analyzed for Diagnosis B, (F(2, 172)=5.53, p=0.03). There was no Expertise×Condition interaction, for either Diagnosis A, p>0.8 or Diagnosis B, p>0.3.

Upon inspection, there was no evidence of exposure for residents or staff. The difference between conditions was from 0 to 3% and was not significant (F(3,240)=1.25, p=0.30 and F(3,248)=2.04, p=0.11). However, for medical students, any prior exposure to either Diagnosis A or B resulted in a gain of performance from 11 to 20%, (F(3,224)=3.76, p<0.02). As cases were specifically designed to reference related diagnosis pairs, a secondary analysis was conducted. Although the cases were designed to facilitate recall based on specific similarity, the benefit measured for medical students, of exposure to either Diagnosis A or B, suggested that the cases may have had a category priming effect [26], [27].

The concept of category priming is well established within cognitive psychology and is typically described as the effect of responding faster in a recognition task to an item that was presented recently, (i.e., old) compared to another item (i.e., new) [26], [27], [28]. In cognitive psychology, items that are presented within the context of a single experiment are considered ‘old’, while other items, even though the participants might be familiar with them, are considered ‘new’; they are new within the context of the experiment. Despite including items (i.e., word lists or images) that are common to everyday speech or experience, participants consistently respond faster when correctly identifying ‘old’ items than ‘new’ ones [26], [27], [28]. Explanations of category priming effects rely on the associative memory model [29], [30]. The basic premise of the human associate memory model is that information from the environment, such as images, words or people, can activate, or retrieve, associated information held in memory [30]. The relevance of this theory to the current study became apparent when we examined the results of the medical students; they seemed to gain an advantage for being exposed to one diagnosis (whether Diagnosis A or B) in the exposure phase, which may have activated associated knowledge of the other diagnosis [5], [27], [29], [30]. Indeed, the test cases were all designed with clinical features that could be interpreted as Diagnosis A or B. Therefore, we conducted a separate scoring where each response was correct if it was either diagnosis A or B, but incorrect only if it was something else. We then re-analyzed the data to measure the influence of prior exposure on identifying Diagnosis A or B.

Post-hoc analysis

Analyses to explore broad category priming

An alternative to a specific retrieval of a particular similar case is a category priming mechanism, where any previous exposure leads to retrieval of knowledge with some relationship to the test diagnosis. Under these circumstances, because of the design of the test cases, responses of either Diagnosis A or Diagnosis B would be considered correct, since previous priming would activate knowledge relevant to both diagnoses. This is tested by the difference between test cases in condition a, b, and c versus condition d (no prior similar case), with experience level as a between subjects factor. A mixed model ANOVA was conducted to evaluate the dependent variable of diagnostic accuracy for detecting either Diagnosis A or Diagnosis B and the independent variable of condition (a to d).

Post-hoc results

Broad category priming

Figure 3 shows the analysis by level of expertise and condition a–c, when either Diagnosis A or B is given, as well as condition d (unbiased 50/50 cases). There was an effect of experience on diagnostic accuracy; medical students achieved an accuracy of 85%, medical residents achieved an accuracy of 98%, and faculty achieved an accuracy of 98%, and (F(2,712)=35.6, p<0.0001). There was a main effect of condition, F (3,712)=3.91, p<0.01, with condition d (no bias) having a lower accuracy. There was also an interaction between condition and experience level, F(6, 712)=3.55, p<0.01.

Figure 3: Category priming – diagnostic accuracy results determined by examining the influence of conditions a to d on Diagnosis A and B. The near ceiling effect for staff and residents indicates that Diagnosis A and B were entered with equal frequency and were not influenced by the exposure phase. An influence of the exposure phase is only seen with medical students. Error bars are standard error for condition.
Figure 3:

Category priming – diagnostic accuracy results determined by examining the influence of conditions a to d on Diagnosis A and B. The near ceiling effect for staff and residents indicates that Diagnosis A and B were entered with equal frequency and were not influenced by the exposure phase. An influence of the exposure phase is only seen with medical students. Error bars are standard error for condition.


This study was designed to critically examine the role of prior examples; specifically, to test whether prior examples are beneficial or harmful (availability bias), and whether a prior example affects all levels of expertise equally. In a post-hoc analysis we also examined whether the effect of similarity operates at a specific case feature level or at a broader category priming level.

The study found a small, but significant, main effect of prior examples. On more detailed examination, the effect of a single example on downstream performance was restricted to novice medical students. In this population, the effect was fairly large, ranging from 11 to 20% higher accuracy. Conversely, there was no detectable impact on more experienced clinicians, perhaps in part because there was a ceiling effect with mean accuracy scores approaching 100%. Indeed, for the more experienced physicians, accuracy for filler cases was 98%. In the literature, availability is typically framed as a cognitive bias leading to increased errors. However, this may be an artifact of the experimental conditions. Most of the studies that demonstrate negative effects of availability use priming cases that resemble the test case but are from a different, incorrect, diagnostic category [12]. Under these circumstances, availability leads to error. However in the present study and some others [7] availability contributes to an increase in accuracy.

In prior work, the effect of expertise on cognitive bias is not well studied. Kahneman [18] has claimed that cognitive biases, such as availability, are not amenable to instruction or related to experience:

“What can be done about biases? … How can we improve judgments and decisions … ? The short answer is that little can be achieved without a considerable investment of effort. …System 1 is not readily educable….” [18], p. 416.

However, he does not present any evidence to substantiate this claim. By contrast, some studies of cognitive biases in clinical reasoning have shown that biases diminish with expertise [21], [23]. Indeed, the present study showed no effect of availability (i.e., recent exposure) in the two experienced cohorts. Our findings suggest that the effect of a single, recent case diminishes with expertise. As acquisition of expertise in part reflects a larger mental inventory of exemplars, it is reasonable that the effect of any one exemplar, particularly a very recent one, diminishes, which is compatible with an exemplar-based model of reasoning.

While availability was present in novices, it emerged with two critical characteristics: First, there was a significant and substantial benefit arising from exposure to a prior similar case. Second, the benefit appeared to be a consequence of category priming [26], [27]. This suggests that the prior experience facilitated retrieval of a broader differential diagnosis.

It is challenging to integrate the current findings with those of prior work. Mamede [12] used a very broad definition of availability, assuming that any diagnosis that may be on the differential diagnosis for the test case may be more available from prior exposure. In that respect, their conclusion is similar to the present study. However Hatala [8] showed specific similarity effects in ECG interpretation derived from matching of contextual features only. Similarly, a number of studies in dermatology [31], [32] have shown specific effects based on similarity in appearance.

One explanation for the variability may be that studies that show effects of specific similarity are based on cognitively-focused tasks; interpretation of ECGs or skin lesions, or maintaining a clinical interview. In a cognitively-focused task, participants may have limited attention for multiple contextual features or limited ability to consider multiple sources of information. Hence, any effect of prior examples may result primarily from matches to a limited set of information. It may be that the manipulations in the present study simplified the task, encouraging broader connections.


Residents’ and faculty members’ accuracy including both diagnoses approached 100%, raising concern for a ceiling effect. This may be a limitation arising from the use of written cases. While some studies [33] have established that written cases are as valid as simulations of clinical reasoning, written cases may have suppressed exemplar effects. Specifically, we recognized that our test cases (with two equiprobable diagnoses) were ambiguous in a very particular way. There is no perceptual ambiguity: the cases are written and designed to be clear. They are truly 50/50 in that the data suggest that the case is equally likely to be Diagnosis A or diagnosis B. Thus, the correct answer is “50% likelihood that it is A and 50% likelihood that it is B”. For more experienced physicians, any evidence of Diagnosis A should also lead to a differential that contains Diagnosis B. Rather than creating cases that were objectively too easy, we inadvertenly ensured that more experienced physicians would think of Diagnosis A or B.

While the present study was carefully designed to systematically explore the factors that may influence diagnostic accuracy, the extreme care used in carefully creating balanced cases by feature counts may have ultimately encouraged focus on the test case and extinguished the very effect we were attempting to explore.


In this study, novices showed an effect of a previous example on diagnostic accuracy. Moreover, the effect had two specific characteristics. First, it improved accuracy, in contrast to the prevailing view that availability leads to greater errors. Second, the phenomenon arose at the level of category priming, increasing the potential breadth of the differential diagnosis. The diagnoses provided by intermediate and expert clinicians did not appear to be influenced by the experimental manipulation of the availability bias.

Corresponding author: Sandra Monteiro, PhD, 1280 Main Street West, 5th Floor, 5002 A/E, David Braley Health Sciences Centre, Hamilton, ON, L8S 4L8, Canada; Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence and Impact, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada; and McMaster Faculty of Health Sciences Education Research, Innovation and Theory (MERIT) Program, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada, Phone: 905 525 9140, Fax: 905 572 7099, E-mail:

Award Identifier / Grant number: 15/MERG-02

  1. Research funding: This study was supported by a Medical Education Research Grant from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons awarded to the research team, with JS as Principal Investigator. Participants received a standard monetary honorarium for their participation.

  2. Author contributions: All the authors have accepted responsibility for the entire content of this submitted manuscript and approved submission.

  3. Competing interests: Authors state no conflict of interest.

  4. Informed consent: Informed consent was obtained from all individuals included in this study.

  5. Ethical approval: Pursuant to the Declaration of Helsinki regarding the ethical conduct of research with human subjects, research ethics approval was received from McMaster University REB #: 11-409; University of Washington IRB #: 40249 EB; Partners Human Research Committee #: 2016P000605/MGH and consent from all participants was recorded.


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Supplementary Material

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Received: 2019-11-23
Accepted: 2020-06-08
Published Online: 2020-07-25
Published in Print: 2020-08-27

© 2020 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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