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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter July 21, 2018

Projection Methods for Dynamical Low-Rank Approximation of High-Dimensional Problems

  • Emil Kieri and Bart Vandereycken EMAIL logo


We consider dynamical low-rank approximation on the manifold of fixed-rank matrices and tensor trains (also called matrix product states), and analyse projection methods for the time integration of such problems. First, under suitable approximability assumptions, we prove error estimates for the explicit Euler method equipped with quasi-optimal projections to the manifold. Then we discuss the possibilities and difficulties with higher-order explicit methods. In particular, we discuss ways for limiting rank growth in the increments, and robustness with respect to small singular values.

Funding statement: Bart Vandereycken was partly supported by SNF project 159856 entitled “Analyse numérique”.

A Tightness of Curvature Bound

We here show that the bound (1.4) is sharp in the sense that for any X, we can choose Y and Z such that the bound is attained. To keep the notation manageable, we restrict ourselves to the case of square matrices.

We consider the manifold r of real N×N matrices of rank r. Let Xr be any matrix on the manifold, and construct its SVD X=USVT such that U,VN×r have orthonormal columns ui and vi, respectively, and Sr×r is a diagonal matrix with elements sii=σi>0 in decreasing order. Next, choose Yr such that Y=USV~T, where also V~N×r has orthonormal columns v~i, and vi=v~i for i=1,,r-1. Then


and thereby


Now take any ZN×N. Since P(X)Z=UUTZ+ZVVT-UUTZVVT (see, e.g., [18, equation (2.5)]), we get


We choose Z=u~v~rT, where u~ is normalised and orthogonal to the columns of U. Then Z=1 and


Since vr and v~r are normalised, we have |v~rTvr|1. We choose v~r such that 0<v~rTvr<1. Then


and by (A.1) and Z=1, we get


which shows the claim that (1.4) is essentially a tight estimate.


The second author thanks Daniel Kressner for initial discussions about projected integrators in the context of low-rank matrices.


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Received: 2017-09-29
Revised: 2018-04-12
Accepted: 2018-05-02
Published Online: 2018-07-21
Published in Print: 2019-01-01

© 2018 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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