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Publicly Available Published by De Gruyter June 17, 2017

Some Estimates for Virtual Element Methods

  • Susanne C. Brenner EMAIL logo , Qingguang Guan and Li-Yeng Sung


We present novel techniques for obtaining the basic estimates of virtual element methods in terms of the shape regularity of polygonal/polyhedral meshes. We also derive new error estimates for the Poisson problem in two and three dimensions.

MSC 2010: 65N30

1 Introduction

A salient feature of virtual element methods [4, 5, 15, 1, 14, 22, 6, 11, 2, 9, 8, 3, 16, 7] is that they can be implemented on polygonal/polyhedral meshes. The stability analysis and error analysis for these methods require the extensions of well-known finite element results to general shape functions and general meshes. This is a delicate task since the notion of affine-equivalent elements is no longer available. (See the treatment of the original virtual element method in [10].) The first goal of our paper is to extend some basic finite element estimates to the virtual elements introduced in [1], under the shape regularity assumptions that can be found for example in [4, 1, 8]. The main tool is a discrete norm for virtual element functions that plays the role of the L2 norm in the analysis of standard Lagrange finite element functions and which can be controlled by standard shape regularity arguments. The second goal is to apply these results to the Poisson problem in two and three dimensions and derive new error estimates for certain computable piecewise polynomial approximations generated by the virtual element methods.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: We consider two-dimensional virtual elements in Section 2, where we obtain basic estimates needed for the error analysis of virtual element methods. Novel techniques for exploiting the shape regularity assumptions are developed in Sections 2.42.7. The error analysis for the two-dimensional Poisson problem is then carried out in Section 3. The results in these sections are extended to polygonal meshes that satisfy relaxed shape regularity assumptions in Section 4 and to the Poisson problem in three dimensions in Section 5. The paper ends with some concluding remarks in Section 6.

We will follow the standard notation for differential operators, function spaces and norms that can be found for example in [17, 13], and also the notation in [8] for virtual elements.

2 Local Virtual Element Spaces in Two Dimensions

Let D be a polygon in 2 with diameter hD. For a nonnegative integer k, k is the space of polynomials of degree k and we follow the convention that -1={0}. The space k(D) is the restriction of k to D. The space of continuous functions on D (resp. D¯) is denoted by C(D) (resp. C(D¯)). Let D be the set of the edges of D and let k(e) be the restriction of k to eD. The space k(D) of continuous piecewise polynomials of degree k on D is defined by

k(D)={vC(D):v|ek(e) for all eD}.

2.1 Shape Regularity Assumptions and Consequences

We assume (cf. [4, 1, 8]) there exists ρ(0,1) such that

(2.1)|e|ρhDfor any edge eD,


(2.2)D is star-shaped with respect to a disc 𝔅 whose radius is ρhD.

We shall refer to the center of 𝔅 as the star-center of D.

Conditions (2.1) and (2.2) imply that

(2.3){the minimum angle of the simplicial triangulation 𝒯D of D determined by thestar-center of D and the vertices of D is controlled by ρ

(cf. Figure 1). In particular, the number of vertices of D is also controlled by ρ.

Figure 1 Shape regularity of a polygon.
Figure 1

Shape regularity of a polygon.

We will use the notation AB to represent the inequality A(constant)B, where the positive constant depends only on k and the parameter ρ, and it increases with k and 1/ρ. The notation AB is equivalent to AB and BA.

2.1.1 Trace Inequality

It follows from (2.3) that we have the (scaled) trace inequality

(2.4)hD-1ζL2(D)2hD-2ζL2(D)2+|ζ|H1(D)2for all ζH1(D).

2.1.2 Discrete Estimates

In view of (2.3), we also have the following discrete estimates:

(2.5)pL2(D)hD-12pL2(D)for all pk,
(2.6)|p|H1(D)hD-1pL2(D)for all pk,
(2.7)hDpL2(D)2+hD2ΔpL2(D)2pL2(D)2for all pk.

2.1.3 Sobolev Inequality

It follows from (2.2) that

(2.8)ζL(D)hD-1ζL2(D)+|ζ|H1(D)+hD|ζ|H2(D)for all ζH2(D).

Details can be found in [13, Lemma 4.3.4].

2.1.4 Bramble–Hilbert Estimates

Condition (2.2) implies that we have the following Bramble–Hilbert estimates [12]:

(2.9)infq|ζ-q|Hm(D)hD+1-m|ζ|H+1(D)for all ζH+1(D),=0,,k, and m.

Details can be found in [13, Lemma 4.3.8].

2.1.5 Poincaré–Friedrichs Inequalities

The following inequalities are direct consequences of (2.4) and (2.9) (with m==0):

(2.10)hD-1ζL2(D)hD-2|Dζ𝑑x|+|ζ|H1(D)for all ζH1(D),
(2.11)hD-1ζL2(D)hD-1|Dζ𝑑s|+|ζ|H1(D)for all ζH1(D).

2.2 The Projection Πk,D

In view of the Poincaré–Friedrichs inequality (2.11), the Sobolev space H1(D) is a Hilbert space under the inner product ((,)) defined by


The projection operator from H1(D) onto k(D) with respect to ((,)) is denoted by Πk,D, i.e., Πk,Dζk(D) satisfies

(2.13)((Πk,Dζ,q))=((ζ,q))for all qk(D).

Letting q=1 in (2.13), we see that


and then (2.13) implies

(2.15)=Dζ(nq)𝑑s-Dζ(Δq)𝑑xfor all qk(D).

For k2, we can also use the alternative inner product (cf. (2.10))


to define Πk,D, in which case (2.14) is replaced by


Remark 2.1.

It is clear that

(2.18)Πk,Dp=pfor all pk(D).

2.3 The Space 𝒬k(D)

We begin with the following well-posedness result for the Poisson problem.

Lemma 2.2.

Given any gPk(D) and fPk(D), there exists a unique function vH1(D) such that (i)v=g on D and (ii)

Dvwdx=Dfw𝑑xfor all wH01(D).


Let g~H1(D) be a k Lagrange finite element function with respect to the triangulation 𝒯D such that g~=g on D, and let ϕH01(D) be defined by

(2.19)Dϕwdx=Dfw𝑑x-Dg~wdxfor all wH01(D).

Then the unique vH01(D) with properties (i) and (ii) is given by ϕ+g~. ∎

Remark 2.3.

Note that the finite element function g~ belongs to H(3/2)-ϵ(D) (for any ϵ>0) and hence the right-hand side of (2.19) defines a bounded linear functional on H0(1/2)+ϵ(D) (for any ϵ>0). It then follows from elliptic regularity [18] that ϕ belongs to H(3/2)-ϵ(D), and therefore ϕ belongs to C(D¯) by the Sobolev embedding theorem. Consequently, v=ϕ+g~ also belongs to C(D¯).

For k1, the space 𝒬k(D)H1(D) is defined by the following conditions: vH1(D) belongs to 𝒬k(D) if and only if (i) the trace of v on D belongs to k(D), (ii) there exists a polynomial qv(=-Δv)k(D) such that

(2.20)Dvwdx=Dqvw𝑑xfor all wH01(D),

and (iii) we have


where Πk,D0 is the orthogonal projection from L2(D) onto k(D).

Remark 2.4.

It is clear that k(D) is a subspace of 𝒬k(D). Note that (2.21) implies Πk,D0=Πk,D if k=1. Moreover, if we use the alternative inner product (2.16) to define Πk,D, then Πk,D0=Πk,D also for k=2.

Lemma 2.5.

We have (i)dimQk(D)=dimPk(D)+dimPk-2(D) and (ii)vQk(D) is uniquely determined by v|D and Πk-2,D0v.


Let 𝒬~k(D)={vH1(D):v|Dk(D) and Δvk(D)}. The linear map v(v|D,Δv) from 𝒬~k(D) to k(D)×k(D) is an isomorphism by Lemma 2.2. Furthermore, the linear map


is also an isomorphism from 𝒬~k(D) to k(D)×k(D) because

v belonging to the null space
v|D=0 and Πk-2,D0v=0
Πk,Dv=0(by (2.14) and (2.15), or (2.15) and (2.17))
v=𝟎(by (2.20))
v=0(by (2.14) or (2.17))

Since (2.21) is equivalent to


the lemma follows immediately. ∎

Remark 2.6.

It follows from Lemma 2.5 that we can take the degrees of freedom of 𝒬k(D) to be (i) the values at the vertices of D, (ii) the moments of order k-2 on the edges of D, and (iii) and the moments of order k-2 on D. Using these degrees of freedom for v𝒬k(D), we can compute Πk,Dv through (2.14) and (2.15) (or (2.15) and (2.17) if k2) and then Πk,D0v through


Remark 2.7.

It follows from Remark 2.3 that 𝒬k(D)C(D¯).

The following result shows that functions in 𝒬k(D) enjoy a minimum energy principle.

Lemma 2.8.

The inequality


holds for any vQk(D) and ζH1(D) such that ζ-v=0 on D and Πk,D0(ζ-v)=0.


It follows from (2.20) that


and hence


2.4 The (Semi-)Norm ||||||k,D

The semi-norm ||||||k,D on H1(D) is defined by


where Πk,e0 is the orthogonal projection from L2(e) onto k(e). It will play the role of L2(D) in the analysis of virtual elements.

Remark 2.9.

It is clear that


and that ||||||k,D is a computable norm on 𝒬k(D). Note also that

(2.25)|||ζ|||k,D2=hDζL2(D)2+Πk-2,D0ζL2(D)2for all v𝒬k(D).

Let 𝒩(Πk,D)={v𝒬k(D):Πk,Dv=0} be the null space of the projection Πk,D restricted to 𝒬k(D). Below we will show that the norm ||||||k,D is equivalent to the norm

hDL2(D)on 𝒩(Πk,D).

The following lemma on polynomials is needed for this purpose.

Lemma 2.10.

Given any pPk-2 (k2), there exists qPk such that Δq=p and


where B is the unit disc and the positive constant C depends only on k.


Since Δ maps k onto k-2, there exists an operator Δ:k-2k such that ΔΔ is the identity operator on k-2. The lemma follows from the observation that both pL2(B) and ΔpL2(B) are norms on k-2. ∎

Lemma 2.11.

We have

(2.26)|||v|||k,DhDvL2(D)for all v𝒩(Πk,D).


Since Πk-2,D0v=0 for k=1, we can assume k2. It also suffices to consider the case where hD=1.

Let v𝒩(Πk,D) be arbitrary. It follows from (2.15) that

(2.27)Dv(Δq)𝑑x=Dv(nq)𝑑sfor all qk(D).

Let 𝔅D be the disc with radius ρ stipulated in Section 2.1 and let 𝔅~ be the unit disc concentric with 𝔅. Then we have D𝔅~ and

(2.28)pL2(𝔅)pL2(𝔅~)for all pk

by the equivalence of norms on finite-dimensional vector spaces.

Given any pk-2, there exists qk such that Δq=p and


by Lemma 2.10 and (2.28).

Putting (2.6), (2.7), (2.27), and (2.29) together, we find

vL2(D)qL2(D)vL2(D)pL2(D)for all pk-2,

and hence


Estimate (2.26) follows from (2.25) and (2.30). ∎

The next result is needed for another characterization of ||||||k,D on 𝒩(Πk,D).

Lemma 2.12.

If vN(Πk,D), then v must vanish at some point on D.


This is trivial if Πk,D is defined by (2.14) because we have Dv𝑑s=0.

If k2 and Πk,D is defined by (2.17), then Dv𝑑x=0 for all v𝒩(Πk,D), and hence (2.27) implies

(2.31)Dv(nq)𝑑s=0for all v𝒩(Πk,D) and q2.

Let x* be the center of the disc 𝔅D from Section 2.1. Then D is star-shaped with respect to 𝔅 and the quadratic polynomial q(x)=|x-x*|2 satisfies

(2.32)nq>0on D (except the corners).

The lemma follows from (2.31) and (2.32). ∎

Lemma 2.13.

We have

(2.33)|||v|||k,DhD3/2v/sL2(D)for all v𝒩(Πk,D),

where /s denotes a tangential derivative along D.


First we observe that

(2.34)v/sL2(D)hD-1eDvL2(D)for all v𝒬k(D)

by a standard inverse estimate for polynomials in one variable [17, 13]. On the other hand, the opposite estimate

(2.35)hD-1vL2(D)v/sL2(D)for all v𝒩(Πk,D)

holds by Lemma 2.12 and a direct calculation.

The equivalence (2.33) follows from (2.25), Lemma 2.11, (2.34), and (2.35). ∎

2.5 Estimates for Πk,D

There is an obvious stability estimate

(2.36)|Πk,Dζ|H1(D)|ζ|H1(D)for all ζH1(D)

that follows from (2.15).

There is also a stability estimate for Πk,D in L2(D) in terms of the semi-norm ||||||k,D.

Lemma 2.14.

We have

(2.37)Πk,DζL2(D)|||ζ|||k,Dfor all ζH1(D).


It suffices to establish (2.37) in the case where hD=1.

It follows from (2.7) and (2.15) that


and hence


Moreover, (2.14) implies




if k2 and Πk,D is defined by (2.17).

Estimate (2.37) follows from (2.10)–(2.11) and (2.38)–(2.40). ∎

Lemma 2.15.

We have

(2.41)ζ-Πk,DζL2(D)hD+1|ζ|H+1(D)for all ζH(D), 0k,
(2.42)|ζ-Πk,Dζ|H1(D)hD|ζ|H+1(D)for all ζH(D), 1k.


In view of the stability estimates (2.36) and (2.37), estimates (2.41)–(2.42) follow from (2.4), (2.9), (2.24), and the fact that q-Πk,Dq=0 for all q(D). ∎

Remark 2.16.

Estimates for Πk,D in other Sobolev norms can be found in [19, 20].

2.6 Estimates for Πk,D0

The obvious stability estimate

Πk,D0ζL2(D)ζL2(D)for all ζL2(D)

together with (2.9) and the fact that q-Πk,D0q=0 for all q(D) implies

(2.43)ζ-Πk,D0ζL2(D)ζ-Π,00ζL2(D)hD+1|ζ|H+1(D)for all ζH+1(D), 0k.

There is also a stability estimate for Πk,D0 in ||H1(D).

Lemma 2.17.

We have

(2.44)|Πk,D0ζ|H1(D)|ζ|H1(D)for all ζH1(D).


This is a consequence of (2.6), (2.36), (2.41), and (2.43):


as desired. ∎

Estimates (2.9), (2.44) and the fact that q-Πk,D0q=0 for all q(D) imply

(2.45)|ζ-Πk,D0ζ|H1(D)hD|ζ|H+1(D)for all ζH+1(D), 1k.

The following lemma contains another useful estimate.

Lemma 2.18.

We have

Πk,D0vL2(D)|||v|||k,Dfor all v𝒬k(D).


Let v𝒬k(D) be arbitrary. It follows from (2.22) that


which together with (2.23) and (2.37) implies the lemma. ∎

2.7 Some Inequalities Involving ||||||k,D

The role of the L2 norm in the following inverse inequality for 𝒬k(D) is assumed by ||||||k,D.

Lemma 2.19.

We have

(2.46)|v|H1(D)hD-1|||v|||k,Dfor all v𝒬k(D).


It suffices to prove (2.46) when hD=1.

Let ϕ0 be a smooth function supported on the disc 𝔅 with radius ρ (cf. Section 2.1) such that


Let 𝔅~ be the unit disc concentric with 𝔅. Then D is a subset of 𝔅~ and we have, by the equivalence of norms on finite-dimensional vector spaces and scaling,

(2.47)pL2(D)2pL2(𝔅~)2C*𝔅p2ϕ𝑑xfor all pk,

where the positive constant C* only depends on ρ and k.

Let wH1(D) be the k Lagrange finite element function with respect to the triangulation of 𝒯D such that (i) w=v on D and (ii) w=0 at all nodes interior to D. It follows from (2.3) and scaling that


Let ζ=w+pϕ for pk(D) such that

D(ζ-v)q𝑑x=0for all qk(D),

or equivalently

(2.49)Dpqϕ𝑑x=D(v-w)q𝑑x=D(Πk,D0v-w)q𝑑xfor all qk(D).

We have


by Lemma 2.8, and


by Lemma 2.18.

Putting (2.47), (2.48), (2.49), and (2.51) together, we arrive at the estimate


It then follows from (2.6), (2.48) and (2.52) that


Finally, estimate (2.46) follows from (2.50) and (2.53). ∎

Corollary 2.20.

We have

vL2(D)|||v|||k,Dfor all v𝒬k(D).


This follows directly from Lemma 2.14, Lemma 2.15 and Lemma 2.19:


Remark 2.21.

We say that two polygons have the same shape (or are similar) if one can be mapped to the other by a rigid motion followed by dilation. For each equivalence class of similar polygons, we have

vL2(D)|||v|||k,Dfor all v𝒬k(D)

by the equivalence of norms on finite-dimensional vector spaces and scaling, where the hidden constants depend on k and the shape of the polygon. But it is not clear that the constant in the estimate


can also be controlled by k and ρ.

The role of the L2 norm in the following Friedrichs’ inequality is also assumed by ||||||k,D.

Lemma 2.22.

We have

(2.54)|||v-v¯|||k,DhD|v|H1(D)for all vH1(D),

where v¯=(Dv𝑑x)/|D| or (Dv𝑑s)/|D|.


It suffices to derive (2.54) for the case where hD=1 by using (2.4), (2.10), (2.11), and (2.24) as follows:


2.8 Interpolation Operator

The interpolation operator Ik,D:H2(D)𝒬k(D) is defined by the condition that ζ and Ik,Dζ have the same degrees of freedom (cf. Remark 2.6). It is clear that

Ik,Dq=qfor all qk(D).

Lemma 2.23.

We have, for 1k,

(2.55)ζ-Ik,DζL2(D)+ζ-Πk,DIk,DζL2(D)hD+1|ζ|H+1(D)for all ζH+1(D),
(2.56)|ζ-Ik,Dζ|H1(D)+|ζ-Πk,DIk,Dζ|H1(D)hD|ζ|H+1(D)for all ζH+1(D).


It suffices to consider the case where hD=1.

First we observe that


by Lemma 2.14 and Corollary 2.20, and


by (2.36) and Lemma 2.19. Moreover, we have


by (2.8) and (2.24).

Estimates (2.55)–(2.56) then follow from the Bramble–Hilbert estimates (2.9) and from the fact that q-Ik,Dq=0=q-Πk,DIk,Dq for all q(D). ∎

The proof of the following result is similar.

Lemma 2.24.

We have

(2.57)Ik,Dζ-Π1,D0Ik,DζL2(D)hD2|ζ|H2(D)for all ζH2(D).

3 The Poisson Problem in Two Dimensions

Let Ω be a bounded polygonal domain in 2, fL2(Ω) and uH01(Ω) such that

(3.1)a(u,v)=(f,v)for all vH01(Ω),



The Poisson problem (3.1) can be solved numerically by virtual element methods.

3.1 The Virtual Element Space 𝒬hk

Let 𝒯h be a conforming partition of Ω by polygonal subdomains, i.e., the intersection of two distinct subdomains is either the empty set, the set of common vertices or the set of common edges. We assume that all polygons D𝒯h satisfy the shape regularity assumptions in Section 2.1.

We take the virtual element space 𝒬hk to be {vH01(Ω):v|D𝒬k(D) for all D𝒯h} and denote by 𝒫hk the space of (discontinuous) piecewise polynomials of degree k with respect to 𝒯h. The operators


are defined in terms of their local counterparts:

(Πk,hζ)|D=Πk,D(ζ|D)for all ζH1(Ω),
(Πk,h0ζ)|D=Πk,D0(ζ|D)for all ζL2(Ω),
(Ik,hζ)|D=Ik,D(ζ|D)for all ζH2(Ω)H01(Ω).

Let the semi-norm ||h,1 on H1(Ω)+𝒫hk be defined by


Then we have

|v|h,1=|v|H1(Ω)for all vH1(Ω)

and, in view of (2.15),

(3.2)|u-Πk,hu|h,1=infw𝒫hk|u-w|h,1for all uH1(Ω)+𝒫hk.

The local estimates (2.41), (2.42), (2.45), and (2.55)–(2.57) immediately imply the following global results, where h=maxD𝒯hhD.

Lemma 3.1.

The following estimates are valid for ζH+1(Ω)H01(Ω) and 1k:


Moreover, we have

(3.5)Ik,hζ-Π1,h0Ik,hζL2(Ω)h2|ζ|H2(Ω)for all ζH2(Ω)H01(Ω),



for 0k and ζH+1(Ω).

3.2 Discrete Problem

The discrete problem is to find uh𝒬hk such that

(3.8)ah(uh,v)=(f,Ξhv)for all v𝒬hk,

where Ξh is a linear operator that maps 𝒬hk into 𝒫hk to be chosen in Section 3.2.3,


Note that

(3.12)aD(ζ-Πk,Dζ,q)=0for all ζH1(D) and qk(D)

by (2.15), and the restriction of SD(,) to 𝒬k(D)×𝒬k(D) can be computed in terms of the degrees of freedom of 𝒬k(D). Moreover, we have

SD(ζ,ζ)=hD-2|||ζ|||k,D2for all vH1(D).

3.2.1 Other Choices for SD(,)

There are other choices for the bilinear form SD(,). The analysis of the virtual element methods remains valid as long as

SD(v,v)hD-2|||v|||k,D2for all v𝒩(Πk,D).

For example, in view of Lemma 2.11, we can take (cf. [10])


and according to Lemma 2.13, another choice [24, 10] is


where /s denotes a tangential derivative.

3.2.2 Well-Posedness

Since we have 𝒩(Πk,D)={v-Πk,Dv:v𝒬k(D)}, the well-posedness of (3.8) is established through the following result.

Lemma 3.2.

We have

SD(w,w)|w|H1(D)2for all v𝒩(Πk,D).


On the one hand, it follows from Lemma 2.19 and (3.11) that

|w|H1(D)2hD-2|||w|||k,D2=SD(w,w)for all w𝒩(Πk,D).

On the other hand, we have, by Lemma 2.22 and (3.11),

(3.15)SD(w,w)=hD-2|||w|||k,D2|w|H1(D)2for all w𝒩(Πk,D)

since (w,1)L2(D)=0 by (2.14). (For k2 and Πk,D defined by (2.17), we can use (w,1)L2(D)=0.) ∎

It follows from (3.10), (3.12) and Lemma 3.2 that


for all v𝒬k(D), and hence

(3.16)ah(v,v)a(v,v)for all v𝒬hk.

Therefore, the discrete problem (3.8) is uniquely solvable.

Remark 3.3.

Estimate (3.15) and the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality imply that

(3.17)SD(v-Πk,Dv,w-Πk,Dw)|v-Πk,Dv|H1(D)|w-Πk,Dw|H1(D)for all v,w𝒬k(D).

3.2.3 Choices for Ξh

We will choose Ξh according to the following recipe:

(3.18)Ξh={Π1,h0if k=1,2,Πk-2,h0if k3.

The following result is useful for the error analysis in ||H1(Ω).

Lemma 3.4.

For 1k, we have

(3.19)(f,w-Ξhw)h|f|H-1(Ω)|w|H1(Ω)for all fH-1(Ω),w𝒬hk.


In view of the relation


estimate (3.19) follows from (3.7). ∎

The following result is useful for the error analysis in L2(Ω).

Lemma 3.5.

For 1k, we have

(3.20)(f,Ik,hζ-ΞhIk,hζ)h+1|f|H-1(Ω)|ζ|H2(Ω)for all fH-1(Ω),ζH2(Ω).


In view of the relation


estimate (3.20) follows from (3.5) and (3.7). Note that this is the reason why Ξh is chosen to be Π1,h0 for k=2 instead of Πk-2,h0=Π0,h0. ∎

3.3 Error Estimates in the Energy Norm

We begin with an abstract estimate for u-uh.

Theorem 3.6.

Assuming fH-1(Ω) for some between 1 and k, there exists a positive constant C depending only on k and ρ such that



Given any v𝒬hk, we have by (3.16),


and, in view of (3.8),


Furthermore, we have by (3.1), (3.9) and (3.12),


and hence, by (2.36), (2.56), (3.17), Lemma 3.4, and the triangle inequality,


Estimate (3.21) follows from (3.2), (3.22), (3.23), and the triangle inequality. ∎

We also have an abstract error estimate for the computable Πk,huh.

Corollary 3.7.

Assuming fH-1(Ω) for some between 1 and k, there exists a positive constant C depending only on k and ρ such that



Estimate (3.24) follows immediately from (2.36), (3.2), (3.21), and the relation


Remark 3.8.

It follows from (3.21) and (3.24) that


and hence the virtual element method produces best approximate solutions up to the perturbation error due to Ξh.

We can derive concrete energy error estimates under additional regularity assumptions.

Theorem 3.9.

Assuming uH+1(Ω) for some between 1 and k, there exists a positive constant C depending only on k and ρ such that



Take v=Ik,hu and w=Πk,hu in Theorem 3.6 and Corollary 3.7, and then apply (3.4). ∎

We have a similar error estimate for Πk,h0uh.

Corollary 3.10.

Assuming uH+1(Ω) for some between 1 and k, there exists a positive constant C depending only on k and ρ such that



Estimate (3.25) follows from (2.44), (3.6), Theorem 3.9, and the relation


3.4 L2 Error Estimates

We will derive L2 error estimates under the assumption that Ω is convex.

We begin with a consistency estimate.

Lemma 3.11.

Assuming that uH+1(Ω) for some between 1 and k, we have

(3.26)a(u-uh,Ik,hζ)h+1|u|H+1(Ω)|ζ|H2(Ω)for all ζH2(Ω)H01(Ω).


We have, by (3.1), (3.8), (3.9), and (3.12),




which together imply (3.26) because of (3.4), (3.17), Lemma 3.5, and Theorem 3.9. ∎

Theorem 3.12.

Assuming uH+1(Ω) for some between 1 and k, there exists a positive constant C depending only on Ω, k and ρ such that



Let ζH01(Ω) be defined by

a(v,ζ)=(v,u-uh)for all vH01(Ω).

Then we have, by elliptic regularity [23],




The first term on the right-hand side of (3.29) satisfies


by (3.4), and thus (3.27) follows from Theorem 3.9, Lemma 3.11 and (3.28)–(3.30). ∎

We have a similar L2 error estimate for Πk,h0uh.

Corollary 3.13.

Assuming uH+1(Ω) for some between 1 and k, there exists a positive constant C depending only on Ω, k and ρ such that



From (3.7), Theorem 3.12 and the relation


estimate (3.31) follows. ∎

There is also a similar L2 error estimate for Πk,huh.

Theorem 3.14.

Assuming uH+1(Ω) for some between 1 and k, there exists a positive constant C depending only on Ω, k and ρ such that



We have


and, in view of (2.4), (2.24), and (2.37),


Estimate (3.32) follows from (3.3), (3.4), Theorem 3.9, Theorem 3.12, and (3.33)–(3.34). ∎

4 Relaxed Shape Regularity Assumptions

The results in Section 2 and Section 3 are also valid under the following relaxed shape regularity assumptions on the polygonal mesh (cf. Figures 2 and 3): Each polygonal subdomain D in 𝒯h is the union of N disjoint polygons D1,,DN such that (i) the polygons D1,,DN satisfy the shape regularity assumptions in Section 2.1, and (ii) Dj and Dj+1 share a common edge. We will refer to D1,,DN as the components of D.

First we observe that the simplicial triangulation 𝒯D of D determined by the star-centers of D1,,DN (cf. Figure 2) satisfies a minimum angle condition because of (2.3). Moreover, condition (2.1) implies that


because Dj and Dj+1 share a common edge. Hence we have

diamDjdiamDkρ-|j-k|for 1j,kN.
Figure 2 A subdomain with four components, that satisfies the relaxed shape regularity assumptions.
Figure 2

A subdomain with four components, that satisfies the relaxed shape regularity assumptions.

Figure 3 Two components that share a common edge.
Figure 3

Two components that share a common edge.

It follows that the estimates in Sections can be extended to D, where


is the maximum of the diameters of the components of D, and the hidden constants in (2.4)–(2.8) depend on the parameter ρ, the polynomial degree k and the number of components N.

Next we consider the Bramble–Hilbert estimates. The following observation will be useful: There exists a disc Bj with radius rj centered at the midpoint of the common edge of Dj and Dj+1 such that (i) Bj is a subset of the polygon formed by the union of Dj and Dj+1 (cf. Figure 3), and (ii) Dj and Dj+1 are subsets of the disc B~j, where B~j shares the same center with Bj and has radius Mrj. Here M is a positive integer that only depends on ρ.

It follows from the equivalence of norms on finite-dimensional vector spaces and scaling that for any mk we have

(4.2)|z|Hm(Bj)C|z|Hm(BjDj)for all zk,
(4.3)|z|Hm(B~j)C|z|Hm(BjDj+1)for all zk,

where the positive constant C depends only on k and the positive constant C depends only on k and M (and hence only on k and ρ).

The proof of the following result is based on the ideas in [21, Section 7].

Lemma 4.1.

Let D be a polygonal domain (with N components) that satisfies the relaxed shape regularity assumptions. Then we have

(4.4)infq|ζ-q|Hm(D)ChD+1-m|ζ|H+1(D)for all ζH+1(D),=0,1,2,,k,

and m, where hD is given by (4.1) and the positive constant C depends only on ρ, k and N.


Let G be the polygon formed by the union of D1,,Dj, let G be the polygon formed by the union of G and Dj+1, and let mk and ζH+1(G).

Suppose that


where hG=max{diamD1,,diamDj}. Then we can find q such that


By the Bramble–Hilbert estimates for the disc Bj, we can find a polynomial p1 such that


where the positive constant C* depends only on k.

It follows from (4.2), (4.6), (4.7), and the triangle inequality that


By the Bramble–Hilbert estimate for Dj+1 (cf. (2.9)), we can find p2 such that


where the positive constant C depends only on ρ and k.

Combining (4.3), (4.8), (4.9), and the triangle inequality, we find


where hG=max{hG,diamDj+1}=max{diamD1,,diamDj+1}. Hence we have




Estimate (4.4) now follows from the recursive estimates defined by (4.5), (4.10) and (4.11), together with the (initial) estimate


which proves the lemma. ∎

It follows from Lemma 4.1 that the estimates in Section 2.1.5 also hold under the general shape regularity assumptions. The rest of the results in Section 2 and Section 3 can then be established by the same arguments, provided that the operator Πk,D is defined by (2.14) if we use the definition of SD(,) in (3.14). The only difference is that now the constants also depend on the maximum number of components of the subdomains of 𝒯h.

5 Virtual Element Methods for the Poisson Problem in Three Dimensions

In this section, we discuss the extensions of the results in Section 2 and Section 3 to three dimensions. We begin with the shape regularity assumptions on a polyhedron D.

5.1 Shape Regularity Assumptions

We assume that (i) there exists ρ(0,1) such that D is star-shaped with respect to a ball 𝔅 whose radius is ρhD, (ii) the diameter of the faces of D are ρhD, (iii) the faces of D are similar to a fixed number of reference polygons that satisfy the regularity assumptions in Section 2.1 with the same ρ.

Remark 5.1.

Note that the analog of assumption (iii) is automatically satisfied in two dimensions since all line segments are similar to the unit interval.

We can form a simplicial triangulation 𝒯D of D by using the vertices of D and the star-centers of the faces of D, and then form a triangulation 𝒯D of D by tetrahedrons generated by the triangles in D and the star-center of D. Under the regularity assumptions (i)–(iii), the shape regularity of 𝒯D is determined by ρ, and the estimates in Sections remain valid.

Remark 5.2.

We can further relax the shape regularity assumptions as in Section 4.

5.2 The Local Virtual Element Space 𝒬k(D)

Let D be a polyhedron that satisfies the regularity assumptions in Section 5.1. We can define the inner product ((,)) by (2.12) where the infinitesimal arc-length ds is replaced by the infinitesimal surface area dS. Then the projection operator Πk,D:H1(D)k(D) is defined by (2.13) (equivalently by (2.14)–(2.15)). For k2, we can also use the inner product (((,))) given by (2.16) to define Πk,D.

The set of the edges of D is again denoted by D and the set of the faces of D is denoted by D. The space 𝒬k(D) of continuous piecewise (two-dimensional) virtual element functions of order k on D is defined by

𝒬k(D)={vC(D):v|F𝒬k(F) for all FD}.

In view of Remark 2.21, an important consequence of the shape regularity assumption (iii) in Section 5.1 is that

(5.1)vL2(F)|||v|||k,Ffor all v𝒬k(F) and FD.

Here and below all hidden constants will depend on k, ρ and the references polygons for D. In two dimensions a function in k(D) can be extended to D as a finite element function. We will use the following extension result for the three-dimensional case.

Lemma 5.3.

Given gQk(D), let g~ be defined by (i)g~=g on D, (ii)g~=0 at the star-center x* of D, and (iii)g~ is linear on any line segment that connects x* to a point on D. Then we have g~H1(D) and



Observe that g~C(D¯) since 𝒬k(D)C(D) (cf. Remark 2.7). Therefore, it only remains to show that g~ belongs to H1(G) on the polyhedron G formed by x* and a face F of D (cf. Figure 4), and to establish the analog of (5.2) on G.

We may also assume that hD=1, x* is the origin and the polygon F2 is placed at a distance τ (1) from the origin and parallel to the plane x3=0. Then the polyhedron G is the set



g~(x)=(x3/τ)g(τx1/x3,τx2/x3)for xG.

Let ϕn be C functions on F that converge to g in H1(F), and let ϕ~n be the corresponding extension of ϕn to G. Then the function ϕ~n on G is given by the formula

ϕ~n(x)=(x3/τ)ϕn(τx1/x3,τx2/x3)for xG.

We find by the change of variables y=(τx1/x3,τx2/x3) that

G(ϕ~nxj)2𝑑x=0τ(x3/τ)2[F(ϕnyj)2𝑑y]𝑑x3for j=1,2,

Therefore, we have ϕ~nH1(G),


ϕ~n converges to g~ in L2(G), and ϕ~n converges in [L2(G)]3.

Hence g~ belongs to H1(G) and ϕ~n converges to g~ in [L2(G)]3. The estimates in (5.3) together with Lemma 2.19 and (5.1) then imply


as desired. ∎

Figure 4 The polyhedron G.
Figure 4

The polyhedron G.

Using Lemma 5.3, we can prove the following analog of Lemma 2.2 by identical arguments.

Lemma 5.4.

Given any gQk(D) and fPk(D), there exists a unique function vH1(D) such that (i)v=g on D and (ii)

Dvwdx=Dfw𝑑xfor all wH01(D).

We can now define the local virtual element space 𝒬k(D)H1(D) as follows: vH1(D) belongs to 𝒬k(D) if and only if the trace of v on D belongs to 𝒬k(D) and the conditions (2.20) and (2.21) are satisfied. Lemma 2.5 remains valid provided we replace k(D) by 𝒬k(D), and Lemma 2.8 stays the same.

The degrees of freedom for 𝒬k(D) consist of (i) the values at the vertices of D, (ii) the moments of order k-2 on the edges of D, (iii) the moments of order k-2 on the faces of D, and (iv) the moments of order k-2 on D.

Note that for ζ𝒬k(D) the polynomial Πk,Dζk(D) can be computed by using the degrees of freedom of ζ and (2.15) because on each face all moments up to order k are available (cf. Remark 2.6).

5.3 The (Semi-)Norm ||||||k,D and Estimates for Πk,D and Πk,D0

The analog of (2.23) is given by


where Πk,F0 is the orthogonal projection from L2(F) onto k(F).

It follows from (2.23), (5.1) and (5.4) that

|||v|||k,D2hDvL2(D)2+Πk-2,D0vL2(D)2for all v𝒬k(D).

Lemma 2.10, Lemma 2.11 and Lemmas 2.14, 2.15, 2.17, and 2.18 can then be extended to three dimensions by identical arguments.

5.4 Inverse Inequality, Friedrichs’ Inequality and Estimates for Ik,D

We can establish the inverse inequality (2.46) in three dimensions provided we take the function wH1(D) in the proof of Lemma 2.19 to be the extension of v|D from Lemma 5.3, which gives us the estimates in (2.48). The rest of the arguments remains the same. The estimates in Corollary 2.20 and Lemma 2.22 then follow immediately.

The interpolation operator Ik,D:H2(D)𝒬k(D) is again defined by the condition that ζ and Ik,Dζ have the same degrees of freedom. The estimates in Section 2.8 can be established by identical arguments.

5.5 Virtual Element Methods for the Poisson Problem

Let Ω3 be a bounded polyhedral domain, let 𝒯h be a conforming partition of Ω by polyhedral subdomains, and let 𝒬hk={vH01(Ω):v|D𝒬k(D) for all D𝒯h}. We assume that the polyhedral subdomains in 𝒯h satisfy the shape regularity assumptions in Section 5.1, and hence the estimates in Section 3.1 and Section 3.2.3 are valid.

The discrete problem for (3.1) is defined by (3.8), (3.9) and (3.18), where aD(,) is defined by (3.10) and SD(,) is given by the following analogs of (3.11) and (3.13):




Again the restriction of SD(,) to 𝒬k(D)×𝒬k(D) can be computed in terms of the degrees of freedom of 𝒬k(D). The proof of Lemma 3.2 stays the same and the discrete problem is well-posed.

The results in Section 3.3 and Section 3.4 can be extended to three dimensions through identical arguments. The only difference is that now all constants depend on k, ρ and the reference polygons for D.

6 Concluding Remarks

We have developed new techniques for obtaining estimates for virtual elements in terms of the shape regularity of polyhedral meshes, and also error estimates for the computable piecewise polynomials Πk,Duh and Πk,D0uh generated by the virtual element methods for the Poisson problem. We note that the results in three dimensions require the condition that the faces of the polyhedrons in the mesh are similar to a fixed set of reference polygons.

For simplicity, we have only presented results for integer order Sobolev spaces. But they can also be extended to fractional order Sobolev spaces. In particular, the interpolation operator Ik,h is well-defined on the Sobolev space Hs(Ω) as long as s>d/2, and it is known that the solution of the Poisson problem on a polyhedral domain belongs to such Sobolev spaces in two and three dimensions [23, 18].

With minor modifications the results in this paper can be extended to the original virtual element methods in [4] for two-dimensional problems where the definition of 𝒬k(D) is given by

𝒬k(D)={vH1(D):v|Dk(D) and Δvk-2(D)}.

Such virtual element methods have been analyzed in [10] by a different approach where polygonal meshes with arbitrarily short edges are also considered.

The local estimates in Section 2 (and their three-dimensional analogs) are relevant for general second elliptic boundary value problems [8] and nonconforming virtual elements [3]. We also expect that the new techniques can be extended to virtual element methods for higher order problems [15, 16].

Award Identifier / Grant number: DMS-16-20273

Funding statement: The first and third authors were supported in part by the National Science Foundation under grant no. DMS-16-20273. They would also like to acknowledge the support provided by the Hausdorff Research Institute of Mathematics at Universität Bonn during their visit in Spring 2017.


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Received: 2017-4-4
Revised: 2017-4-6
Accepted: 2017-4-7
Published Online: 2017-6-17
Published in Print: 2017-10-1

© 2017 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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