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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter May 23, 2015

Analytical performances of the D-100TM hemoglobin testing system (Bio-Rad) for HbA1c assay

  • Stéphane Jaisson EMAIL logo , Nathalie Leroy , Emmanuelle Guillard , Aurore Desmons and Philippe Gillery


Background: Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) is widely used for the monitoring of glycemic balance in diabetic patients and has also been proposed as a tool for the diagnostic of diabetes mellitus. Accordingly, HbA1c quantification must be performed using robust, reliable and efficient methods. Here are reported the results of the evaluation of a new high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) system for HbA1c quantification, the D-100TM system from Bio-Rad Laboratories.

Methods: The analytical performances of the method as well as the influence of the most frequent interferences regarding HbA1c assays (e.g., labile HbA1c, carbamylated hemoglobin, high HbF) have been tested.

Results: Intra- and between-assay CVs were respectively lower than 0.93% and 1.46% (HbA1c results expressed in NGSP units) and lower than 1.67% and 2.27% (HbA1c results expressed in IFCC units). The linearity proved to be excellent from 15 mmol/mol (3.5%) to 184 mmol/mol (19.0%) (r=0.999). The results were well correlated with those obtained by another HPLC method (VARIANTTM II Hemoglobin A1c Program reorder pack 270-2101NU-Bio-Rad): HbA1c[VARIANTTM II, mmol/mol]=1.013×HbA1c[D-100TM, mmol/mol]+0.637 (r=0.993, n=2000). The D-100TM system provided results consistent with IFCC-assigned external quality control samples and the presence of labile HbA1c, carbamylated hemoglobin and HbF did not interfere with HbA1c measurement.

Conclusions: The D-100 TM system proved to be a robust and reliable method for HbA1c measurement suitable for routine practice in clinical chemistry laboratories.

Corresponding author: Dr. Stéphane Jaisson, Laboratory of Paediatric Biology and Research, Department of Biology, University Hospital of Reims, 45 rue Cognacq-Jay, 51092 Reims Cedex, France, Phone: +33 3 26783952, Fax: +33 3 26783882, E-mail:


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Received: 2015-3-24
Accepted: 2015-4-20
Published Online: 2015-5-23
Published in Print: 2015-8-1

©2015 by De Gruyter

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