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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter February 7, 2015

Analytical and clinical evaluation of a new immunoassay for therapeutic drug monitoring of etanercept

  • Francisca Llinares-Tello EMAIL logo , José Rosas-Gómez de Salazar , José Miguel Senabre-Gallego , Gregorio Santos-Soler , Carlos Santos-Ramírez , Esteban Salas-Heredia , Juan Molina-García and the AIRE-MB Group

Corresponding author: Francisca Llinares-Tello, Laboratory Department, Marina Baixa Hospital, C/Colón 120 2°A, 03570 Villajoyosa, Alicante, Spain, E-mail:
ªMembers of the AIRE-MB Group (Asociación para la Investigación en Reumatología de la Marina Baixa) José Rosas Gómez de Salazar, José Miguel Senabre Gallego, Gregorio Santos Soler, Esteban Salas Heredia, Catalina Cano Pérez, Ana Pons Bas and Marisa Lorente Betoret, (Department of Rheumatology, Marina Baixa Hospital, Villajoyosa, Alicante, Spain); Francisca Llinares Tello and Juan Molina García (Laboratory Department, Marina Baixa Hospital, Villajoyosa, Alicante, Spain); Carlos Santos Ramírez (Department of Rheumatology, Marina Salud Hospital, Denia, Alicante, Spain); Xavier Barber Vallés (CIO-Miguel Hernández University, Elche, Alicante, Spain); Mabel Sánchez Barrioluego (INGENIO [SIC-UPV], Politecnic University, Valencia, Spain) and Mario García-Carrasco (Systemic Autoimmune Disease Research Unit HGR-36-CIBIOR IMSS Puebla, Mexico, Department of Rheumatology and Immunology, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Mexico).


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Received: 2014-9-11
Accepted: 2014-12-4
Published Online: 2015-2-7
Published in Print: 2015-9-1

©2015 by De Gruyter

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