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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter December 8, 2005

Total dietary fiber content in Hawaiian marine algae

  • Karla J. McDermid , Brooke Stuercke and Owen J. Haleakala
From the journal Botanica Marina


In the Hawaiian Islands, many species of marine macroalgae are eaten by people, as well as by many marine herbivores, notably Hawaiian green sea turtles. The total dietary fiber (TDF) content, which may affect the palatability, digestibility, and nutritional value of seaweed, was determined for 26 species (15 Rhodophyta, 5 Phaeophyta, and 6 Chlorophyta) using an enzymatic-gravimetric procedure. The highest TDF (dry weight) values were found in the following three native Hawaiian species: Ahnfeltiopsis concinna 59.8%, Gayralia oxysperma 55.8%, and Sargassum obtusifolium 53.7%. Codium reediae contained the lowest amount of TDF (23.5% dry weight). Thirteen species contained more TDF than wheat bran.


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Published Online: 2005-12-08
Published in Print: 2005-12-01

©2005 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin New York

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