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Divine Names and Titles in Ancient Egypt: The Case of the God Shed

  • Giuseppina Lenzo

This paper was first presented at the annual conference of the European Association of Biblical Studies (EABS) in Warsaw in August 2019 in the context of the workshop Gods in Translations: The Many Names of Ancient Semitic Gods organized by Corinne Bonnet and Fabio Porzia (University of Toulouse). In addition, some of the research presented here formed part of a preliminary version of the paper entitled “Shadday dans la Bible hébraïque et les dieux Shed en Égypte et dans le Levant” delivered with Christophe Nihan at the workshop Les épithètes divines dans la Bible hébraïque, la Septante et leurs contextes antiques, organized by Anna Angelini, Christophe Nihan and Matthieu Pellet at the University of Lausanne in April 2018. I would like to thank all the organizers of these workshops for the rich and stimulating discussions we had on this topic. Special thanks are due to Anne Bielman (Lausanne) and Christophe Nihan (Münster) for their precious help. My thanks also go to Julia Rhyder (Harvard) for her correction of the English of the present article.


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